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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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xú' nínalk'áas audio it formed into that shape
maa nitjelneyh audio she or he was fortunate, lucked out
shaa nítjélnęyh audio  I was fortunate
Ch'edzǎagh' Ndîig audio
tth'iinděddh' audio
tth'iinděddh' áahaał audio  she or he is walking forward
den audio
naageddh audio red fox
naageddh sęy audio  black fox
wumét ts'edet-sęy cross fox (Vulpes fulva)
łii ché' audio LITERALLY 'dog's tail'
SEE brittle
et-tenh audio it is frozen
menh neltenh audio the lake is frozen
xtét-tenh audio it is starting to freeze
shintsįį et-tenh audio my nose is frozen, has frostbite
nelts'į́į' audio it is frozen solid
shí' nelts'į́į'i audio frozen meat
shí' nelts'į́į' audio the meat is frozen solid
SEE often
k'ah dú'u sínt'eh audio it is fresh
shtlęę audio my friend ALSO cousin
súxúht'eey audio  she or he is a friendly person
yech'enehjet audio she or he is frightening him or her
SEE afraid
nat-'êl audio
ch'etheth nat-'êl audio fringe on clothing, boots
ch'eníhtthek audio  I am cutting fringe (cutting strips of hide)
naaxęy audio wood frog (Rana sylvatica)
naaxęy jêg audio
SYN nagoonberry (Rubus arcticus)
ts'enh audio
deshax ts'enh ninshah audio he came from his house
neets'enh audio  from us
nandêddh audio in front
shnandeddh audio in front of me
neenandeddh k'étl'adíidaay k'et didhindah audio you are sitting on a chair in front of us
This is used to refer to the front portion or in front of a house or other building. See 'front' for the more general term.
kón'teg audio toward or in front of a house or at the doorway of a house

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