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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tách'údegsí' audio I am reading
sudektthenh audio I have it ready
u'egshųų audio I am ready, prepared to act
u'ekshųų audio I have it ready, prepared
shk'áa' u'ekshųų audio I have my gun ready
súxúkłeex audio I am getting ready for an event
dzeen chox ts'į́' xátthel gha súxúkłeex audio Christmas is coming so I am getting ready
wuk'anegndíik audio I realized it
łą́'ą audio
łą́'ą ch'e le' audio it really is so
łą́'ą sitdíhnih audio I am really telling you the truth
łą'ą lah diinęy audio do you really mean it?
łą́'ą́́ audio really?
łoot'êe' audio really, very
nah'ôg łoot'êe' xunsųų audio it is really nice outside
nandîidz audio
SYN behind
SEE remember
tuu natet-tseth audio water dried up, receded, evaporated
shaa nindéek audio I received it
maa yínindéek audio she or he received it
xnihk'ôdl dą́'ą audio recently, not very long ago
xnihk'ôdl dą́'ą ghįhchąą audio recently it rained
xét'anédhégtęę audio  I am leaning against something (while sitting or standing)
SEE remember
niłk'édajełeeyh audio  she or he is recording
shtthel audio my rectum
SYN anus
delt'el audio the red one
delt'eł audio it is red
ntl'ét delt'eł audio cranberries are red
dįįts ney audio
ch'eshǐig' audio ALSO ghost, photograph
tuu shíi t'êey deshǐig' neh'ęh audio even on the surface of the water she or he sees her or his reflection
éna' medíhnih audio I refused it, told him no
wuts'į́' tnin'en audio you refuse it, leave it alone
SEE area
xdiitndeyh audio
dihthâad na'eltęy xdiitndeyh audio she or he regularly goes to Mansfield
niłts'udelken audio we are related to each other
wude'egken audio  I am related to him/her

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