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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, is not lengthy and not in motion
taamna, dl. taapkuak, pl. taapkua

That man is friendly.
Taamna aŋun iḷammaġiksuq.

Those -2- girls are friendly.
Taapkuak aġnaurak iḷaminaġiksuk.

Those -3 or more- women are friendly.
Taapkua aġnat iḷamnaġiksut.

2. at the location of that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener but not necessarily to the speaker, and not in motion
taavrumani, dl. taapkuŋnaŋni, pl. taapkunani

Let him stay in that place which is his.
Taavrumani inimiñi inŋuraġli.

3. from that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible and not in motion
taavrumakŋa, dl. taapkuŋnakŋa, pl. taapkunakŋa

I got it from those people.
Taapkunakŋa iñuŋniñ pitchaġa.

4. like, similar to that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener but not necessarily to the speaker, and not in motion
taavrumatun, dl. taapkuŋnaktun, pl. taapkunatitun

I want one like that.
Taavrumatun piqaġruktuŋa.

5. to, for that one, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener, but not necessarily to the speaker and not in motion
taavrumuŋa, dl. taapkuŋnuŋa, pl. taapkunuŋa

Give it to that one!
Taavrumuŋa qairruŋ!

6. with or about that one, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener but not necessarily to the speaker, and not in motion
taavrumiŋa, dl. taapkuŋniŋa, pl. taapkuniŋa

He is playing with those.
Taapkuniŋa qitiktuaqtuq.

7. that is true, that is really it

8. that one; the one -of whom we spoke-; the one whose identity is clear but whose whereabouts is not specified
imña, dl. ipchuak, pl. ipchua

How is it pronounced now?
Qanuq imña taiñaqpa ki?

I thought I saw it somewhere.
Nani imña qiñiġniñiġiga?

Which one did he want now?
Nalliak imña pisukkaŋa ki?

Who wants to eat now?
Kiña imña niġisukpa ki?

What did you want [now]?
Sua imña pisukkan?

Where did the one [already mentioned] go?
Napmuktiqpa imña?

9. A more specific term for the above definition is
taimña, dl. taipchuak, pl. taipchua

Where is the one you spoke of?
Taimña uqautigikkan naami?

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