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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O
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whalebeluga whale
sisuaq, dl. sisurrak, pl. sisurrat

People hunt beluga.
Iñuich sisuaġniaġaqtut.

2. bowhead whale
aġviq, dl. aġvak, pl. aġviġich

The bowhead whale is large.
Aġviq aŋiłallaktuq.

3. gray whale

The gray whale is also big.
Aġviġluaq aŋikmiuq.

4. killer whale
aaġlu, dl. aaġluk, pl. aaġlut

The killer whale is dangerous.
Aaġlu iqsiñaqtuq.

5. male whale
isiŋuatchauraq, dl. isiŋuatchaurak, pl. isiŋuatchaurat

The male whale is looking for a mate.
Isiŋuatchauraq pakaktuq tuvaaqatiksraġmiñik.

6. medium-sized whale
usiŋuatchiaq, dl. usiŋuatchiak, pl. usiŋuatchiat

The medium-sized whale is jumping out of the water.
Usiŋuatchiaq nutigaqtuq imiġmiñ.

7. large whale with rolled blubber on the back
iŋutuvak, dl. iŋutuvvak, pl. iŋutuvaich

The iŋutuvak lives in the ocean.
Iŋutuvak taġiumi ittuq.

8. whale skin with blubber, muktuk
maktak, dl. maktaak, pl. maktaich

Whale skin with blubber is good to eat.
Maktak niġiruni nakuuruq.

9. young female whale -choice whale, soft muktuk-

The maktak from the young female whale is very good to eat.
Iŋutum maktaŋa niġiruni nakuuruq.

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