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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Stamp, stomp
Xidiłdingh. JD+ED He is stamping.  
Ngi'egh xidiłdingh. ED+JD He's stamping outside.
Diniyhdi xixidiłdingh.JD+ED They stamp four times. At a funeral people stamp their feet 4 times the last thing when the coffin is still open, before they close it. They lift the person's spirit up so they don't bury the spirit with them. It's a spirit sending. There's always somebody there by the coffin that's supposed to be lifting the spirit up. You just tell the person "Diggi ts'in'!", 'up' in Native. If you don't do that, they hang around all the time. But if you do that, they go up. [According to Hannah Maillelle, 2/26/2002]
Atthet xatołdingh, xi'ne. JD+ED Down here they are going to stamp, they said.

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