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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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eye iri, dl. irrak, pl. irit

His eyes are brown.
Irrak iliktaaŋuruk.

2. eyebrow
qavlu, dl. qavluk, pl. qavlut

The eyebrow is on the face.
Qavlu kigiññami ittuq.

3. eyebrow ridge
qavlunaaq, dl. qavlunaak, pl. qavlunaat

A person’s eyebrow ridge is on his face.
Qavlunaaq ittuq iñuum kigiñaŋani.

4. eye cavity
irisriñiq, dl. irisriññak, pl. irisriñġich

The eye cavity is round.
Irisriñiq aqsravaluqtuq.

irigaak or irgaak pl. irigaat

The eye glasses are on the table.
Irigaak niġġiviŋñi ittuk.

6. to close one’s eyes

she has closed her eyes
sikunġiqsuq, dl. sikunġiqsuk, pl. sikunġiqsut

The mother closed her eyes.
Sikunġiqsuq aana.

7. eyelashes

Some eyelashes are short and some are long.
Iḷaŋich siqpiich naitchut aasrii iḷaŋich takiplutiŋ.

8. to have sharp eyesight

he has sharp eyesight
takpiksuq, dl. takpiksuk, pl. takpiksut

The goose has a sharp eye.
Tiŋmiaq samma takpiksuq.

9. to have bad eyesight

he has dull or bad eyesight

My son has bad eyesight.
Iġñiġa takpiitchuq.

10. to have difficulty catching the eye of a person, description of a person who will not look you in the eye, to have shifty eyes

He won’t look a person straight in the eye.

Is he hard to look in the eye?

11. to be shifty eyed, lit, his eyes are fast

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