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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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tl'eet abandon, get rid of
abandon, desert, leave; throw away, dispose of, get rid of
O-S-l-tl'eet~ (na act) for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O
g̲aas (2) forbidden, superstitious, abstain
superstitious; abstain, refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons, esp. of Lent)
at S-l-g̲aas (ga state) for S to be superstitious; for S to abstain, refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons, esp. of Lent)
forbidden, taboo
li-g̲aas (ga state) for something to be forbidden, taboo, not allowed by custom
dlaak̲ get, succeed, accomplish, defeat, win
win, gain, get, obtain it; acquire it; succeed, accomplish it; defeat him/her/it
O-ya-S-ø-dlaak̲~ (na event) for S to gain, get, obtain, acquire O; for S to succeed, accomplish O; for S to defeat, beat O
yoo address
address as, call by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship
(yéi) N yát~ x̲'a-S-d-l-yoo~ (Ø motion) for S to address, call N by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship
k̲'ei admire
admire, think highly of, respect; treasure, value
N yáa O-li-k̲'éi (ga state) for N to admire, think highly of, respect O; for N to treasure, value O
x'éigaa kaa oox
(Lit: real teeth)
yan wáat oox
ook (2) boil, tumble, advance, fill
boil it
O-S-l-.ook~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to boil O (esp. water)
d-l-.óok~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for something to boil
jaaʰ instruct, show, advise
instruct, show him/her; advise, cousel him/her
O-shu-ka-S-ø-jaaʰ~ (ø act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to instruct, show O (by word); for S to advise, give advice to, counsel O
x̲eitl' afraid, fear
afraid of it, fear it
P-x' a-ka-u-S-d-l-x̲éitl' (ga state) for S to be afraid of, fear P
shaan age, old
O-d-shaan~ (ø event) for O to show signs of old age (esp. grey hair), for O to become old, age

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