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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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baby baby, infant
miġaruuraq, dl. miġaruurak, pl. miġaruurat

The infant is crying.
Miġaruuraq qiaruq.

2. baby
paipiuraq [Eng.]

Her baby is cute.
Paipiuraŋa anaŋŋaaŋuruq
nuliaġutlaiḷaq, dl. nuliaġutlaiḷak, pl. nuliaġutlaiḷat

The bachelor stays alone.
Nuliaġutlaiḷaq kisimi itchuuruq.

2. bachelor, spinster
iḷaqatnigutlaiḷaq, dl. iḷaqatnigutlaiḷak, pl. iḷaqatnigutlaiḷat

The bachelor lives alone.
Iḷaqatnigutlaiḷaq iñuuniaġaqtuq kisimi.


it’s stern

Grab the stern of the boat!
Umiam aqua tigguuŋ!

upper back of human body

The child’s upper back is itchy.
Quliik iyaalugruam kumaksruktuk.

2. back of anything
tunu, dl. tunuk, pl. tunut

My back is hurting.
Tunuga atniġñaqtuq.

3. on a person’s back; at the back of
tunuani, dl. tunuakni, pl. tunuatni

The box is in back of the house.
Suluun tupqum tunuani ittuq.

back there behind, landwards, mountainwards; not visible

There is a fire back there.
Pamma pavani iki.

2. back there away from shore, landwards, mountainwards, visible, in motion or covers a large area

3. located back there in a large visible area

located back there in an area not visible pamani

My friend has a house back there. -visible, distant-
Pavani uumaaġa tupiqaqtuq.

spinal column
kiyipigaq, dl. kiyipikkak, pl. kiyipikkat

The backbone is very strong.
Kiyipigaq saŋŋiḷḷapiaqtuq.

2. small of back -lumbar curve-
tapsiñiq, dl. tapsiññak, pl. tapsiñġich

The small of my back is hurting.
Tapsiñiġa atniġñaqtuq.

backpack a load carried on the back

The load on my back is heavy.
Natmaga uqumaitchuq.

2. a camping pack, backpack as of canvas, nylon or sealskin; a packsack
, dl. natmagviik, pl. natmagviich

My backpack is red.
Natmagviga kaviqsaaŋuruq.

3. to backpack; to carry on the back
natmak- or natmaktuq-

he is carrying something on his back; she is backpacking
natmaktuq or natmaktuqtuq, dl. natmaktuqtuk, pl. natmaktuqtut

My father is carrying food on his back.
Taataga natmaktuqtuq niqinik.
to be bad, evil

he is bad, evil
pigiitchuq, dl. pigiitchuk, pl. pigiitchut

The devil is evil.
Tuunġaq pigiitchuq.

Don’t be bad.

2. he did wrong, he did something bad, he sins
killuqsaqtuq, dl. killuqsaqtuk, pl. killuqsaqtut

He did wrong although he tried not to.
Killuqsaqtuq piñġiññiuraġniallaġmi.

puukataq, dl. puukatak, pl. puukatat

My bag is lost.
Puukataġa tammaqtuq

to bail

she is bailing water
qaluruq, dl. qaluruk, pl. qalurut

He is bailing water from the boat.
Qaluruq imiġmik umiamiñ.

He is bailing it.

She is bailing the water from the boat.
Qalugaa imiq umiamiñ.

Go and bail water out of the boat!
Qallutyaġuŋ umiaq!

naġiaq, dl. naġiak, pl. naġiat

Bait can be used on hooks.
Naġiaq atuġnaqtuq niksiŋñun.

to bake, to cook in oven

I cooked it in the oven.
Samuunnaaqtiqługu niqniaġiga.

2. to bake, to cook in oven, to roast

I cooked it in the oven. or I roasted it.
Argiqugu niqniaġiga.

She is baking the fish.
Argiqsuq qaluŋmik.

3. to bake bread

he is baking bread
qaqqiruq, dl. qaqqiruk, pl. qaqqirut

My mother is baking bread for sale.
Aanaga qaqqiruq tuniaksranik.


Baking powder can be used when baking muffins.
Puvlaksaun atuġnaqtuq iraurriuqtuni.


I bought baking soda from the store.
Siiġñaiyautiksraqtuŋa tauqsiġñiaġviŋmiñ.

uggiihiq, dl. uggiihik, pl. uggiihich

Baldpate is a duck.
Uggiihiq tiŋmiaġruuruq.

The baldpate duck is good to eat.
Uggiihiq niġiruni nakuuruq.


The baleen is a part of the whale.
Suqqaq iḷaviñiġigaa aġviġum

aqsraaq, dl. aqsraak, pl. aqsraat

The ball is big.
Aqsraaq aŋiruq.

puviġaaq, dl. puviġaak, pl. puviġaat

Children like balloons.
Puviġaat iyaalugruich pisuugaich.

mamitaksraq, dl. mamitaksrak, pl. mamitaksrat

Do you have any bandages?

2. to bandage

He has bandaged himself.

He bandaged himself in the house.
Mamitaqtuq iŋmiñun tupqum iḷuani.

she is applying a bandage on another

She is applying a bandage on his arm.
Mamitairuq talianik.

he bandaged it
mamitaġaa, dl. mamitaġaak, pl. mamitaġaat

They bandaged his leg.
Mamitaġaat niuŋa.

to bark

it is barking
qiḷuktuq, dl. qiḷuktuk, pl. qiḷuktut

The dog is barking because he doesn’t know the people.
Qipmiq qiḷuktuq atlayuaqhuni iñuŋnik.

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