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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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one of each

Give them one of each.
Atausriḷḷaanik aatchuġlich.

2. each other

They love each other.
Avatmun nakuaqqutiruk.


to be eager; to look forward to doing:
plus kumaaq- used with verb stems which end in k
plus yumaaq- used with verb stems which end in vowel
plus chumaaq- used with verb stems which end in t
plus umaaq- used with verb stems which end in q, with the q becoming a ġ [v-v]

He is eager to walk.

He is eager to go out.

They are eager to reach their destination.

She is eager to pick berries.
tiŋmiaqpak, dl. tiŋmiaqpaak, pl. tiŋmiaqpaich

The eagle is dangerous.
Tiŋmiaqpak iqsiñaqtuq.

ear siun, dl. siutik, pl. siutit

The girl has an earache.
Aġnauraq siutinŋuruq.

2. ear cavity
siutŋuraq, dl. siutŋurak, pl. siutŋurat

The ear cavity is part of the ear.
Siutŋuraq siutim iḷaviñiġigaa.

3. ear pendant, earring
siutiġun, dl. siutiġutik, pl. siutiġutit

The woman puts on an earring.
Siutiġun aġnam atigaa.
to have an earache

he has an earache
siutinŋuruq, dl. siutinŋuruk, pl. siutinŋurut

After playing out without a hat, she now has an earache.
Aniiqsuaqqaaqhuni nasrautaiḷaaq, siutinŋuliqsuq.


to be early, to do ahead of time
-naġiaq, -ñaġiaq after strong I [v-v]

He left early.

He came early.

Did you wake up early?

2. to be early, to do ahead of time

The man who was leaving left early.
Aŋun aullaġniaqtuaq piñaġiaqtuq.


The earth is big.
Nuna aŋiruq.

iḷiqsraqtuq nuna

There was an earthquake yesterday.
Iḷiqsraqtuq nuna ikpaksraq.

east, easterly wind

There is an easterly wind.

The wind is blowing from the east.
Anuqłiqsuq kivaknamiñ.

He came from the east.
Aggiqsuaq kivaknamiñ.

The plane took off towards the east.
Tiŋmisuun tiŋiruq kivaknam tuŋaanun.

to have an easy time

He had an easy time.

2. to be easy for someone

It is easy for him.

His job is easy for him.
Savaani qaġagigaa.

3. to be easy

it is easy, not difficult

It is easy to unscrew a door.
Qaġanaqtuq aŋivianniałiŋa talu attavianniñ.

4. to be easy, not hard

The work you will do is easy.
Taamna savaaksran savinnaitchuq.

eat to eat

she is eating
niġiruq, dl. niġiruk, pl. niġirut

My father is eating berries.
Taataga niġiruq asrianik.

2. to eat something
sutuq- [only as a question]

What are you eating?

3. to eat, to consume, to drink
plus tuq-, plus suq- after strong I [n-v]

She is drinking tea.

He is eating seal.

I am drinking coffee.

Have some soup!

An echo can be heard.
Qatraq tusraanaqtuq.

2. to echo

It is echoing.

to be eclipsed

it has been eclipsed -lit. slipped from view-
pularuq, dl. pularuk, pl. pularut

There is an eclipse of the moon.
Tatqiq pularuq.

There is an eclipse of the sun.
Siqiñiq pularuq.
the edge
siñi, siñauraq

it’s edge
siñaa, siñauraŋa

the edge of the ocean, the coast, beach
taġium siñaa

the edge, the bank of the river
kuugum siñaa

It is at the edge.
Siñaani ittuq.
eggmannik, dl. manniik, pl. manniich

The goose is sitting on its eggs.
Tiŋmiaq ivaruq manniŋñik.

2. eggshell -lit. egg’s cover
mannium puuŋa

I found an eggshell.
Mannium puuŋanik paqittuŋa.
eh? well? okay?
ai? qaa? amaqaa? amaġaa?

king eider duck
qiŋalik, dl. qiŋallak, pl. qiŋalgich

The king eider duck is flying.
Qiŋalik tiŋmiruq.

tallimat piñasrut

Eight people are walking.
Tallimat piñasrut iñuich pisruktut.
akimiaq piñasrut

Eighteen dogs are outside.
Akimiaq piñasrut qipmich qaaniittut.


There are eighty pencils for students.
Sisamakipiat aglautit piksraŋich aglaktuat.

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