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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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k'eex̲' (3) hook, gaff, hung up
hook it; gaff it (of fish)
O-S-ø-k'éex̲'~ (ø event) for S to hook O; for S to gaff O
hook it in the head; gaff it in the head (of fish)
O-sha-S-ø-k'éex̲'~ (ø event) for S to hook O in the head; for S to gaff O in the head
delayed; stuck, hung up there; hooked
P-náx̲ O-sh-k'éex̲'~ (ga motion) for O to get delayed, stuck, hung up, hooked at P
neitl fat, gain weight
fat; gain weight
O-d-l-neitl~ (Ø event) for O to gain weight; for O to get fat
k̲aa3 gamble, play
gamble, play cards
a-S-d-l-k̲áa (na act) for S to gamble (by means of gambling sticks, dice, etc.); for S to play cards
haa (14) dig, gather, time for it, hungry, obvious, want, remind, polish, injure, crowded, plant, have a turn
polish, rub until shiny
N daatx̲ k̲u-ka-S-s-haa~ (na act) for S to polish N; for S to rub N until shiny
remind, cause to remember, bring to mind
N káa daak O-sa-S-l-haa~ (Ø event; CV́V Hort/Pot) for S to remind O about N
garden; dig
a-ka-S-ø-haa~ (na act) for S to garden, dig
plant it (using spade); dig it
O-ka-S-ø-haa~ (na act) for S to plant O
crowd, crowded, gather VII
P-t~ O-ya-d-haa~ (Ø motion) for O to move in, come around, crowd at P (of large numbers, esp. people, birds)
time for it
P-t~ k̲u-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for the time to come for P
gather it; pick it up; take it up
O-ya-S-s-haa~ (ø act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to gather up, pick up, take up O
have a turn
N ée-t~ k̲u-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for N to have a turn
hungry (make him/her hungry)
N ée-t~ yaan-->O-S-s-haa~ (Ø motion) for S to make N hungry
N ée-t~ yaan ø-haa~ (ø motion) for N to be hungry
dig it up
kei O-ka-S-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for S to dig O up
injure oneself
sh tóo a-sha-S-d-l-háa (Ø event) for S to injure oneself
obvious; clearly visible
tlél ga-u-ø-háa (ga state) for something to be obvious, clearly visible
want (often with strong feeling); decide, be decided about, intend to; agree to, be willing to
(yéi) O-sa-S-ø-haa~ (na state) for S to want O (a certain way); for S to be decided about O; for S to agree to O
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
dlaak̲ get, succeed, accomplish, defeat, win
win, gain, get, obtain it; acquire it; succeed, accomplish it; defeat him/her/it
O-ya-S-ø-dlaak̲~ (na event) for S to gain, get, obtain, acquire O; for S to succeed, accomplish O; for S to defeat, beat O
tl'eet abandon, get rid of
abandon, desert, leave; throw away, dispose of, get rid of
O-S-l-tl'eet~ (na act) for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O
k̲ee (3) sit, get up
sit (for plural subjects to be seated)
S-ø-k̲ee~ (position) for (plural) S to be seated
rise, get up (plural subject)
sha-S-d-k̲ee~ (ø event) for (plural) S to get up, rise
sit down (plural subject)
S-ø-k̲ee~ (g̲a event) for (plural) S to sit, sit down (esp. act of sitting)
nook1 (7) carry, sit, get up
situtated there (of building)
d-nook~ (g̲a event) for a building to be situated there
carry him/her/it (live creature) VII
P-t O-S-s-nook~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (live creature) around at P
seat him/her
O-S-s-nook~ (g̲a event) for S to seat O
lift him/her/it up (live creature)
kei O-S-s-nook~ (ø motion) for S to lift up O (live creature)
rise, get up (singular subject)
sha-S-d-nook~ (ø event) for (singular) S to get up, rise
sit down (singular subject)
S-ø-nook~ (g̲a event) for (singular) S to sit, sit down (esp. act of sitting)
put him/her/it down, leave him/her/it (live creature)
yan~ O-S-s-nook~ (ø motion) for S to put down, leave O (live creature)
teeʰ2 (19) give, take, carry, expect, stormy, blame, baptize, postpone
carry it, take it (general, often compact object) IX
P-dáx̲ O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ga motion) for S to pick O up off of P
carry it, take it (general, often compact object) VII
P-dé O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (general, often compact object) to P
anticipate, forsee; expect, consider likely to happen or arrive
O-shu-S-s-teeʰ~ (na state) for S to anticipate, forsee, expect O; for S to consider O likely to happen or arrive
postpone it
O-shu-ka-S-ø-teeʰ~ (na event) for S to postpone O
expect him/her/it; anticipate it
O-shu-S-s-teeʰ~ (na state) for S to anticipate, foresee O; for S to expect, consider O likely to happen or arrive
carry it, take it (solid, complex object) VII
P-dé O-S-s-teeʰ~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (solid, often complex object) to P
carry it, take it (solid, complex object) IX
O-S-s-teeʰ~ (ga motion) for S to carry, take O (solid, often complex object)
install it there, hang it there
P-x̲ O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (g̲a motion) for S to install, hang, place O at P
hang it up there (esp. to dry)
P-x̲ O-sha-ya-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to hang up O at P (esp. to dry)
stormy, rough (of weather)
a-ya-d-teeʰ~ (g̲a event) for the weather to be stormy, rough
give, take, hand it to him/her (round, spherical object)
N jee-t~ O-ka-S-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (round object) to N
blame it on him/her; bring it (shame, joy) onto him/her
P-t~ O-shu-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to bring O (abstract, esp. shame, blame, joy) onto P
feed it to him/her/it; give it to him/her/it to eat
N x̲'éix̲ O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (na event) for S to feed O to N; for S to give O to N to eat
feed him/her/it
N x̲'éix̲ at S-ø-teeʰ~ (na event) for S to feed N, give food to N (for immediate consumption)
baptize him/her
héen-t~ O-ya-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to baptize, immerse (singular) O in water or pour water upon O as a religious rite
put it on (shirt, dress, etc.)
káx̲ O-S-d-teeʰ~ (g̲a event) for S to put on O (shirt, dress, etc.)
bring it out, unearth it; pick it up (general, often compact object)
kei O-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) or S to bring out, unearth O (general, often compact object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O
put it down, leave it (round, spherical object)
yan O-ka-S-ø-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (round object)
put it down (solid, often complex object)
yan O-S-s-teeʰ~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (solid, often complex object)

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