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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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yexnílts'et audio he habituated to it
coffee exnílts'et ts'į́' k'á ldîil étdí́igh audio  coffee became a habit and he doesn't drink tea
ihdzonh audio I am hacking it (forcefully so that small pieces fly away)
Refers to using a sharp instrument to rapidly cut something
dekkeyh audio I am hacking, chopping it
ch'inłuut audio ALSO blueberry (unripe berry)
ch'inłuut e'ehchąą audio it is hailing
wuxá' audio  it's hair, fur
shtthixá' audio my hair (of my head)
tthiixá' ts'eeg xúnłęę audio long hair
shtl'exxá' audio  my pubic hair
ch'exaan audio
naa shí' ts'enh ch'exą́ą' wutl'ághų́hchuut de' audio give him or her half of the food
kelahdziimiil audio solar halo
gheldzeey nakech'etneet'eyh audio there is a lunar halo
SYN ring
ch'iitth'ed audio
shinłá' audio  my hand
shinlat'aag audio  back of my hand
ts'idint'eh audio handicapped person, animal
sháath handicapped, hobbled by old injury
shaath nłęę audio he is handicapped
SYN crippled
k'onit'êey audio
SYN bandana
wutį̌į' audio  its handle
xetl tį̌į' audio  sled handlebars
This refers specifically to 'face'. It is injih to say that someone is pretty or handsome
ninsųų audio he is handsome ALSO pretty
naghint'eyh audio it is hanging
eek dádzełdíhłeeyh audio  I am hanging up coats
nts'é' xútshaak audio  what happened?
nts'é t'ítshaak? audio what happened to you?
shaa xunsųų audio  I am happy about it
detgek audio
jah wuk'et detgek audio this surface is hard
shaa xéxúntsáath audio I am having a hard time
méxúntsaaddh audio  hardship
shaa medaxdíitsáath audio  it's difficult for me to pronounce that
gah audio
SYN rabbit (Lepus americanus)
ddheł tox dets'énn' \de (Histrionicus histrionicus)

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