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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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labret, lip-plug
tuutaq, dl. tuutak, pl. tuutat

A long time ago, men wore labrets.
Aippaani tuutaqtuġuurut aŋutit.

ladle, large spoon
qalutaun, dl. qalutautik, pl. qalutautit

The ladle has a black handle.
Qalutaun ipuqaqtuq qiġñiqtaamik.

lady young woman -marriageable-
niviaqsiaq, dl. niviaqsiak, pl. niviaqsiat

The young woman found a purple flower.
Niviaqsiaq paqittuq tuŋuaqtaamik nauriamik.

2. to be ladylike; to act in a courteous, manner, taking good care of self

The woman is ladylike.
Aġnaq pimmaaġiksuq.
tatchiq, dl. tatchik, pl. tatchich

The lagoon is rough.
Tatchiq qaiḷḷiqsuq.
narvaq, dl. narvak, pl. narvat

The lake is deep.
Narvaq itiruq.

2. oval-shaped lake
taksruk, dl. taksruuk, pl. taksruich

The oval-shaped lake is long.
Taksruk takiruq.

3. small lake

4. large lakes e.g. Selawik or Kobuk Lake

to be lame

it is lame
tusriapiktaqtuq, dl. tusriapiktaqtuk, pl. tusriapiktaqtut

The dog is lame.
Qipmiq tusriapiktaqtuq.

lampnaniq, dl. nannik, pl. nannich

The lamp is mostly used on dark winter nights.
Naniq atutlugaqtuq taaqman ukiumi unnuami.

2. kerosene lamp
naniuraq or nanipiaŋuraq

3. stone lamp
land, earth
nuna, dl. nunak, pl. nunat

The land helps us.
Nuna manna ikayuutauruq uvaptitnun.

2. to land, of a plane or bird
mit-, mitchaaq-

it has landed
mitchuq or mitchaaqtuq

The plane has landed.
Tiŋmisuun mitchaaqtuq.

Has it landed?
Mitpa? or Misiqpa? or Mitchaaqpa?
kerosene lantern
nanipiaŋuraq, naniuraq

2. Coleman gas lantern

3. to light a lamp, lantern

He has lit the light, lamp, lantern.

Light the lamp!
horned lark
nagrulik, dl. nagrullak, pl. nagrulgich

The horned lark is a bird.
Nagrulik una tiŋmiurauruq.

larva, maggot
qupilġuksraq, dl. qupilġuksrak, pl. qupilġuksrat

The fly’s larva is white.
Nuviuvaum qupilġuksraŋa qatiqtuq.

larynx -Adam’s apple-
tipsu, dl. tipsuk, pl. tipsut

The larynx moves when one is talking.
Tipsu iḷiqsraġaqtuq uqaqtuni.

lashings for lower stands of sled
siŋiġñiuġun, dl. siŋiġñiuġutik pl. siŋiġñiuġutit

The lashings for the sled are loose.
Siŋiġñiuġutit aŋivraqtut.

last one, hindmost one
aqulliq, dl. aqulliik, pl. aqulliich

He took the last one.
Aqulliq piyaa.

2. to be the last one

He is the last one.

He was last in the dog race.
Aqulliuruq uniaġaqqautraqtuani
to be late

he is too late
kiñiuġautiruq, dl. kiñuġautiruk, pl. kiñuġautirut

The man is too late for the meeting.
Aŋun kiñuġautiruq katimaruanun.

2. to stay awake late

he is staying up late
pigaaqtuq, dl. pigaaqtuk, pl. pigaaqtut

The boy is staying up late.
Nukatpialugruaq pigaaqtuq.

3. to sleep late, to oversleep

They are oversleeping.

4. to be late

He is late.

I was late.
later, sometime, indistinct future

I’ll come back sometime.
Iḷaatnigun utiġisiruŋa.

2. later on

Later, she came back.
Aquvaatigun aggiqsuq.
laugh to laugh

she is laughing
iglaqtuq, dl. iglaqtuk, pl. iglaqtut

He is laughing loudly.
Iglaqtuq nipitusripḷuni.

2. to laugh at

He is laughing at her.

3. to think someone is funny

he thinks it is funny
tipsigigaa, dl. tipsigigaak, pl. tipsigigaat

He thought the man was funny.
Tipsigigaa aŋun.

4. to feel like laughing, to chuckle somewhat
tipsisuk-, iglaġusruk-

He wants to laugh.

5. to keep from laughing

He is trying not to laugh.
to launch a boat, kayak, etc., to set a net into the water

he has launched it
niŋitkaa, dl. niŋitkaak, pl. niŋitkaat

They have launched the boat.
Niŋitkaat umiaq.
law -what ought to be done, used
atuqtaksraq, dl. atuqtaksrak, pl. atuqtaksrat

The law must be followed.
Atuqtaksraq nalaullugu atuqtaksrauruq.

2. law -what ought to be followed
maliġutaksraq, dl. maliġutaksrak, pl. maliġutaksrat

There are many laws today.
Maliġutaksrat iñugiaksirut uvluvak.

3. law, commandment
pitqun, dl. pitqutik, pl. pitqutit

The law is to be obeyed.
Pitqun atuqtaksrauruq.
to place, to lay

he lays it down, places it
iḷigaa, dl. obj. iḷigik, pl. obj. iḷigai

She lays the baby on the bed.
Iḷigaa miġaruuraq siñigviŋñun.

2. she lays him down, puts him to bed
nallaqtitkaa, dl. nallaqtitkaak, pl. nallaqtitkaat

My mother put the baby to bed.
Aanaa nallaqtitkaa iyaalugruaq.

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