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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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naaxęy jêg audio
SYN frogberry (Rubus arcticus)
ch'etsǒl' audio
ch'ut-'ehdenh audio she or he is naked
The same Tanacross word includes English 'something is named' and 'something is called'
shuusí' audio my name is shuusí' nee'usí' nuusí' nuh'usí' miisí'xu'usí'
nts'é nuusi'?
audio what's your name?
shtá' Charley miisí'
audio my father's name is Charley
audio his or her name was
stsey Charely mighinsí'
audio my grandfather's name was Charley

SEE doze
dints'eeg audio narrow, long also long
dzenh wuché' dínts'eeg audio muskrat has a narrow tail
SEE Indian
SYN belly button
sts'uuk'ée audio my navel
aaxáh audio
ntlęę aaxáh dídhíndah audio you're sitting near your friend
shaaxáh audio near me
maaxáh dídhíhdah audio  I am sitting near him, her, it
SEE almost
shk'oth audio my neck
then senélshaay any kind of necklace
ch'ink'ón' audio dentalium necklace
tl'ankaan audio sewing needle
éth wu'éł éhtl'uun audio dipnet needle
ulsûud audio a needle for sewing cloth
natl'és tl'ankaan audio needle for beading
natnatk'ąąy audio three cornered needle
kâay tl'ankaan audio three cornered needle (?)
aashěg' deltth'îiy iin audio  neighbors
shhaaz audio my nephew or niece (man's)
ch'et'ox audio its nest
tehmíił audio
gųų xǒz' audio stinging nettles
k'á t'êey audio
k'á t'êey xú' tdíndí́il audio you can never say that
k'ah dú' éltsiin audio a new thing, something newly made

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