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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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pack to pack a baby on one’s back, to place a baby to be carried on one’s back

she placed him on her back to carry him

He placed the baby on his back.
Iyaalugruuraq amaġaa.

2. to be packing or carrying someone on one’s back

He is packing the baby.
Paipiuraq amaaġaa.

3. to be packed on someone’s back -as of a baby or child-

she is being packed on back

He is being packed on his mother’s back.
Amaaqsigsuq aanamiñi.

4. to pack items, prepare to leave, to prepare

I am packing.

My older brother is packing.
Aniŋauraġa paqnaruq.

5. to carry a pack on one’s back

He is carrying a pack on his back.

6. packsack
see backpack
paddle paddle, propeller, fin
aŋuun, dl. aŋuutik, pl. aŋuutit

The paddle is made of spruce.
Aŋuun napaaqtumiñ piḷiaŋuruq.

to paddle with a single-bladed paddle

he is paddling

2. a double-bladed paddle
paaŋuutik, pl. paaŋuutit

to use such a paddle

He is paddling with a double-bladed paddle.
page, sheet of paper
makpiġñiq, dl. makpiġñaak, pl. makpiġñiġich

Turn your books to that page.
Makpiġḷugich makpiġaasri taavrumuŋa makpiġñiġmun.

Oh! The pain in my body can’t seem to disappear.
Arii! Atniġñaq timimni piitḷaiqsuq.

2. to have tooth or gum pain
tuuġiaksri- or tuuġiaksi-

There’s a pain in my tooth.
Kigutiga tuuġiaksriruq.

3. a pain that does not go away immediately

to obtain such an annoying pain, as from gas

The man has a pain in his back that does not disappear quickly.
Aŋun atniutaqtuqtuq.

4. to have a pain, to ache, of part of the body
-nŋu-, -ñŋu- after strong I


She has a sidepain.


She has a toothache.


Her arm is aching.
miñulġun, dl. miñulġutik, pl. miñulġutit

I bought paint.
Miñulġutmik tauqsiqsuŋa.

2. to paint
miñułiq-, miñuliq-

she is painting
miñułiqtuq, dl. miñułiqtuk, pl. miñułiqtut

The man is painting the boat.
Aŋun miñułiqtuq umiamik.

he is painting it
miñułiġaa, dl. miñułiġaak, pl. miñułiġaat

He is painting the house.
Tupiq miñułiġaa.

he is painting

he is painting it

He is painting his house.
Tuppi miñuliġaa.
kiluussaq, dl. kiluussak, pl. kiluussat [Russ.]

The padlock has a key.
Kiluussaq aŋmautiqaqtuq.
palate, roof of mouth
qiḷagaq, dl. qiḷagak, pl. qiḷagat

The palate is located in the mouth.
Qiḷagaq ittuq qanġum iluani.
to be pale

he is pale -lit. without juice-
misruitchuq, dl. misruitchuk, pl. misruitchut

She is pale because of illness.
Misruitchuq sakniuqhuni.
palm of hand
aġvak, dl. aġvaak, pl. aġvaich

He has a cut on the palm of his hand.
Aġvaŋmigun kiḷḷiqaqtuq.
siḷaavyak, dl. siḷaavyaak, pl. siḷaavyaich
[Eng. from flapjack]

I love to eat pancakes.

2. to make pancakes

In the morning my mother makes pancakes.
Aanaga siḷaavyiuġaqtuq uvlaami.

The pancreas is inside of our body.
Mapsaq ittuq iḷuptitni.
to panic, to rush

he is in a panic, is excited
uiruq, dl. uiruk, pl. uirut

The person leaving is in a panic. or
The person is leaving in a rush. -depends on circumstances-
Iñuk aullaġniaqtuaq uiruq.
pants pants, trousers
kamikłuuk, pl. kamikłuich

The pants are dirty.
Kamikłuuk puyauruk.
kaliikkaq, dl. kaliikkaak, pl. kaliikkaich [Russ.]

There was paper strewn all over the floor.
Kaliikkaich siaminniqsut natiġmun.

2. writing paper, writing material
aglagviksraq, dl. aglagviksrak, pl. aglagviksrat

There is lots of writing paper in the school.
Aglagviksrat iñugiaktut aglagviŋmi.

3. towel, paper towel
ivgun, dl. ivgutik, pl. ivgutit

A paper towel is very useful.
Ivgun atuġnallapiaqtuq.
parable, example, demonstration
urrakusraun, dl. urrakusrautik, pl. urrakusrautit

One can learn from parables.
Urrakkusrautit iḷisaaqaġviginaqtut.
a parasitic worm such as a tape worm
qumak, dl. qumaak, pl. qumaich

The fish had parasitic worms.
Qaluk qumaqaqtuq.
to become parched, dry

It has become parched.

The leaf is parched.
Akutuqpalik paliġaa.
dl. aŋayuqaak, pl. aŋayuqaat

Parents raise children.
Aŋayuqaak iñuguqtitchiraqtuk iyaalugruaġnik.
parka atigit

parka cover
nasralik, dl. nasrallak, pl. nasralgich

The parka cover has fancy trimming.
Nasralik qupagiksuq.

2. parka cover, shirt
atikłuk, dl. atikłuuk, pl. atikłuich

I washed my parka cover.
Iġġukkaġa atikługa.

3. pullover parka
[A parka is spoken of in a plural form because it is made of more than one animal skin.]

That parka is made from caribou skin.
Taapkua atigit iñiqsimarut tuttum amianiñ.
paatnaq, dl. paatnaak, pl. paatnat [Eng.]

2. to be partners, also in the sense of a special friendship between people who trade items and are loyal friends to each other

They -2- are partners.

My such partner.

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