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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ch'etsídáhk'ah audio audio  fat from a moose kneecap used as a baby pacifier
xeeł audio pack, packsack (carry (on your back))
for packing water see 'haul'
ghihxeeł audio I'm packing (it)
imperfective paradigm audio
ghihxeeł ts'axeeł
ghinxeeł ghahxeeł
yaaxeeł xiyaxeeł

dendeh dexěel' áaxeeł audio the man is carrying his pack

SEE compress
taat'ôgh audio a paddle
taat'ogh éł áakeeł she or he is paddling a boat
taachet'ogh wu'éł ch'áakeel audio she or he is paddling boat
tach'iht'ox audio I'm paddling
imperfective paradigm audio
tach'iht'ox tayits'et'ox
tach'int'ox tach'aht'ox
tach'et'ox tach'axet'ox

ghegdzéł audio I am paddling fast and smooth

ch'eldlíi' audio
SYN lock
nadh'aay audio
SYN bucket
chetkeyh have a pain
shshíi chétkeyh I have a stomachache
shtthí' shíi chétkeyh I have a headache
shxól' tah chetkeyh I have pain in my legs
tseyh audio
SYN ochre
xnihtseyh audio I am painting it
shintl'áa' audio my palm
shłǐig' éhtthek audio  my dog is panting
ch'ehtlé' audio pants
shehtlé' audio my pants
ch'etlé' t'ah audio pants pockets
ch'ethéth thetl audio old time skin pants
thetl audio pants
dąą thetl audio fur pants
dináhtl'aa audio ALSO book
SEE forgive
shnąą iin audio my parents
shchox iin audio my parents
xey eek audio parka, winter coat
ch'egaay eek audio child's parka (anorak style)
ch'ehłaad audio part of, a portion of, some of
neeshí'i ts'enh ch'ehłaad déghulchúut de' audio make sure you put aside some of the food for yourself
xáan' audio half, part of, piece (of something), referring to a sizeable piece
aayh xáan' éxdék-'ąą audio I found part of a snowshoe
shxáan' ts'į́' łuug įhma' audio do your part of the fish drying
nxáan' ts'į́' t'uhdę́'ę audio I am going to do my part (to help you)
xdanint'eey audio a partition
xdanint'eeyh audio it is partitioned
xah xú' k'oth xúnłęę audio
nehłég' audio
niłk'etsixghitdeetl audio they passed each other on the trail, went by each other
SEE give me for "pass" as in "give me" or "hand me"

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