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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'axokdęyh audio I feel sad
dzeen uudíh díigha lé'e ts'axokdęy audio  for some reason all day I felt sad.
Sahcheeg audio
séek audio
SYN spit
Salmon do not run in any significant numbers in the immediate Tanacross area.
łuug delt'el audio sockeye salmon literally 'red fish'
łuug chox audio king salmon literally 'big fish'
nkáatl audio (Rubus chamemorous)
lsel audio
lsel tiił
Taak'etth Ndiig audio Sam Creek on the south side of the Tanana River
Sha' Theeg Ndiig Sam Creek that flows into Sam Lake from the northwest
Official USGS name is Sand Creek.
Ch'inchedl Měnn' audio
Official USGS name is Sand Lake
niłk'enel'ąą audio same amount
niłk'exnel'ąą ts'į́' xútl'ach'ųhchuut dé' audio give them the same amount of food.
thaayh audio ALSO gravel
thaayh téeł audio
deeł audio
SYN crane (Grus canadensis)
xunsųų nanich'etthet audio she or he is sane, rational
k'įįł audio birch sap
sheen tah shę́ę' k'įįł xołeex audio they only collect birch sap during the summer
ch'eketl'aagh' audio
dheksheyh audio  I saved him or her
ch'itl'ęy' audio  handsaw
tsets intl'ęyh audio saw the firewood
Maa Ch'et-tl'eeg Ndîig \de
diinih audio you say
imperfective paradigmaudio
dihnih xonih
dinih dahnih
nih xenih

perfective paradigmaudio
dihní' dziní'
diní' dahní'
diní' xdiní'

nedíhnih audio I say to you, I'm telling you
medíhnih audio I say to her or him
shedíinih audio you say to me, you tell me
medíinih audio you say to him/her
xuu'edíinih audio you say to them
yehnih audio she or he says to her/him
t'êey xú' díinih audio say it again

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