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Koyukon Plant Database

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Scientific Name Related Terms
Koyukon Name Koyukon Root KAD Page Notes on Translation Use Information
Cicuta mackenzieanna
(Cicuta virosa)
poison water hemlock
Lit. 'that causes death'

heldedlee detl2 136
Lit. 'that which trembles'


Cicuta virosa
Cicuta virosa

Scientific Name Related Terms
Koyukon Name Koyukon Root KAD Page Notes on Translation Use Information
Ledum palustre
Labrador tea
Lit. 'V-shaped branch,' due to the opposing arrangement of leaves

In the Central dialect the bush itself is called łeyeł, and its florescence k'elokk'ʉyh. In the other dialects, łeyeł is used as common designator for all brush, or low bushes, and the plant as well as the terminal flower cluster is termed k'elokk'ʉyh
Jetté - "Thyrus (cluster) of white flowers of Ledum palustre said to have been used as a substitute for tea by employees of the Hudson Bay Company. The infusion of its leaves is believed to have medicinal properties, and whites occasionally drink it in the spring to 'purify the blood.'
Ledum palustre

tleehʉloo daaldloye
Lit. 'That which is on the crust'

Also called k'elokk'ʉyh

Ledum palustre

Most often refers to dwarf birch

Ledum palustre
Ledum palustre

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