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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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tableniġiñiaġviich or niġġiviich

The table is big.
Niġiñiaġviich aŋirut.
to be taboo

it is taboo, it is forbidden to be eaten or done for religious reasons, it must be abstained from, it must be avoided

In the old days, they avoided direct contact with anyone they considered taboo.
Agliġnaqtuaq taimani quŋuġigaat.
taiguraq, dl. taigurak, pl. taigurat [Eng.]

The tack is sharp.
Taiguraq ipiktuq.
pamiuq, dl. pamiuk, pl. pamiut

The fox’s tail has a white tip.
Kayuqtum pamiuŋa qatiqtaamik nuvuqaqtuq.

2. bird’s tail
papik, dl. pappak, pl. papkich

Ducks and birds have tails.
Tiŋmiaġruiḷḷu tiŋmiurallu, papiqaqtut.
pamiałłuk, dl. pamiałłuuk, pl. pamiałłuich

The tailbone is a part of the body.
Pamiałłuk timimi ittuq.
to take along inadvertently, to take in, to include

he has taken it along inadvertently, she has included it
taputigaa, dl. taputigaak, pl. taputigaat

He has taken along the mate of my glove.
Argaaġma igḷua taputigaa.

2. to take away from someone

he has taken it away from her
aatkaa, dl. aatkaak, pl. aatkaat

They have taken his belongings away from him.
Aatkaat suuraiñik.

3. to take back something

he is taking back -something- indirect object
satuiruq, dl. satuiruk, pl. satuirut

She got back what she gave.
Aatchuutmiñik satuiruq.

4. to take back

He took it back.

5. Take it to her/him.
Ilaanuutiuŋ or Ilaanuuttuuŋ.
to talk, speak

he is talking, he said
uqaqtuq, dl. uqaqtuk, pl. uqaqtut

The person is talking.
Iñuk uqaqtuq.

2. to be talking, conversing

She is talking.
to get a tan; to become bleached by the weather

she has gotten a tan
siḷaliruq, dl. siḷaliruk, pl. silalirut

She got a tan from being outside.
Siḷaliruq aniiqami.
to be tangled

It is tangled
iḷḷaktuq, dl. iḷḷaktuk, pl. iḷḷaktut

The thread is tangled.
Iḷḷaktuq ivaluksraq.
to taste, to try something

he is tasting
uuksiruq, dl. uuksiruk, pl. uuksirut

He tasted the food I cooked.
Uuksiruq nikniagamnik.

Let me have a taste.

2. to taste, to try

He is tasting it.
He has tried it.
facial tattoo lines

There are many tattoo lines on the woman’s face.
Aġnam tupii iñugiaktut kigiñaŋani.
saiyu, dl. saiyuk, pl. saiyut [Russ.]

The tea is boiling.
Saiyu qalattuq.

2. Hudson’s bay tea
tilaaqqiuq, dl. tilaaqqiuk, pl. tilaaqqiut

Hudson’s bay tea blends well with regular tea.
Tilaaqqiuq saiyumun avugiksuq.
tea kettleuunaqsiivik, dl. uunaqsiiviik, pl. uunaqsiiviich

The tea kettle is used to heat water.
Uunaqsiivik atuġaqtuq imiġmik uunaqsiiruni.

2. tea kettle
saiñik, dl. saiññak, pl. saiñŋich

Where is the kettle?
Naami saiñik?
to teach, to instruct someone

he is teaching someone
iḷisautriruq, dl. iḷisautriruk, pl. iḷisautrirut

He is teaching piano.
Iḷisautriruq atuqtuurałiġmik.

2. to teach, to instruct

she is teaching him
iḷisautigaa, dl. obj. iḷisautigik, pl. obj. iḷisautigai

He is teaching him how to make a sled.
Iḷisautigaa qiḷġiḷiiġmik.
teacher, instructor
iḷisautri, dl. iḷisautrik, pl. iḷisautrit

The teacher is teaching reading.
Iḷisautri iḷisautriruq agliqiłiġmik.

2. teacher
aglakti, dl. aglaktik, pl. aglaktit

The teachers have left.
Aglaktit aullaqtut.
green-winged teal
qaiŋiq, qaiŋiuraq, qaaŋiuraq, dl. qaiŋik, pl. qaiŋich

The green-winged teal is a small duck.
Qaiŋiq uvva una tiŋmiaġruurauruq.
teapotsaiyutuġvik, dl. saiyutuġviik, pl. saiyutuġviich

The teapot is used when making tea.
Saiyutuġvik atuġaqtuq saiyyiuqtuni.
qulvi, dl. qulvik, pl. qulvich
[see also weep]

Her tears fell one by one.
Qulvii katagataarut.
to tear

It has been torn.

He tore his own coat.
Alikkaa quppiġaani.

2. to accidently tear, to tear quickly

Oh! Oh! I have torn it!
Iitya! Aliktiġiga!
teethkigun, dl. kigutik, pl. kigutit

The teeth are for chewing food.
Kigutit tamuutaurut niqimun.

2. cutting teeth

The women use the cutting teeth when crimping mukluk soles.
Sivuqqat atuġuugaich aġnat kigiraqamiŋ.

3. lower teeth

There are sixteen lower teeth.
Atlimġaat akimiaq atausriuraqtut.

4. to have food particles between teeth; to clean between teeth, as with a toothpick

he has food particles between his teeth; he is cleaning between his [own] teeth
kukkiḷiruq, dl. kukkiḷiruk, pl. kukkiḷirut

He is cleaning his own teeth after eating.
Kukkiḷiruq niġianikami.

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