The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.
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ugly:iñugiit- he is ugly, unattractive iñugiitchuq, dl. iñugiitchuk, pl. iñugiitchut He is uglier than his brothers and sisters. Iñugiitḷuktuq aniqatiumiñiñ. 2. to be ugly, to be unattractive -of a female- aġnaġiit- she is ugly aġnaġiitchuq, dl. aġnaġiitchuk, pl. aġnaġiitchut The poor woman is quite unattractive. Aġnaqniaq aġnaġiiḷḷuqtuq. |
ulna, tibia:The tibia is in the leg. Amiḷiġaq niumi ittuq. |
umbilical cord:The umbilical cord is always attached to the baby. Ipiutaq ataraqtuq iyaalugruaġmun. |
umbilicus:qalasriq, dl. qalasriik or qalatchik pl. qalasriich or qalatchich The umbilicus is in the middle of the body. Qalasriq timim qitqani ittuq. |
uncle:my uncle -father’s brother akkaga my two uncles akkaaka my three or more uncles akkatka My uncle likes to go boating. Akkaga umiaqtuġuuruq. 2. my uncle -mother’s brother- aŋatchiaġa, dl. aŋatchiaka, pl. aŋatchiatka My uncle is making a wooden dipper. Aŋatchiaġa qalutchiruq. |
undecide:sivunnitḷaiq- to he is undecided sivunnitḷaiqsuq, dl. sivunnitḷaiqsuk, pl. sivunnitḷaiqsut I am undecided about leaving. Sivunnitḷaiqsuŋa aullaqtilaaksramnik. 2. to be undecided, to not know what to do qanuġviiḷiqi- She is undecided. Qanuġviiḷiqiruq. |
under:ataani, dl. under them two ataakni, pl. under them three or more ataatni The foundation is under the house. Tupqum ataani turvik ittuq. 2. located under me atimni located under you atipni |
underground:siġḷuaq, dl. siġḷuak, pl. siġḷuat The cold storage is located under the ground. Siġḷuaq nunam iḷuani ittuq. 2. to be underground nunam iḷuani it- It is underground. Nunam iḷuani ittuq. |
underside:ataa The area under the house is dark. Tupqum ataa taaqtuq. |
understand:kaŋiqsi- she understood kaŋiqsiruq, dl. kaŋiqsiruk, pl. kaŋiqsirut She understood when her mother told her. Kaŋiqsiruq aanami uqautipmani. 2. to not understand kaŋiqsiñġit- he doesn’t understand kaŋiqsiñġitchuq, dl. kaŋiqsiñġitchuk, pl. kaŋiqsiñġitchut He did not understand because he didn’t listen. Kaŋiqsiġitchuq takku naalaġniñġitḷuni. |
unload:niuri- he is unloading something niuriruq, dl. niuriruk, pl. niurirut The man is unloading something from the airplane. Aŋun niuriruq tiŋmisuutmiñ. she is unloading it niuriyaa or niurigaa, dl. niuriyaak, pl. niuriyaat The woman is unloading the boat. Aġnam niuriyaa umiaq. |
unpredictable:nalupqinaq- it is not certain, it is unpredictable nalupqinaqtuq, dl. nalupqinaqtuk, pl. nalupqinaqtut It is not certain that he will go. Nalupqinaqtuq aullałiksraŋa. |
up:pauna Go on the trail up there. Pauna tumitchaatigun igliġiñ. 2. that one up there on the roof, not visible- pakimna Have that person up there get down from the roof. Pakimna tupqum qaaŋani ittuaq atqaqtitchiuŋ. 3. up there above and behind speaker, away from shore, landwards, mountainwards, visible, in motion or covers a large area pagga Up there is the plane. Pagga tiŋmisuun. or more specifically, Tatpagga tiŋmisuun. 4. towards up there pauŋa Go up there. Pauŋa mayuġiñ. 5. up there, above, visible, not in motion pitcha Up there on the shelf is the flashlight. Pitcha pichani quliġuani naniġuun. 6. up to, as far as aglaan Walk as far as there! Taiñuŋa aglaan pisrugiñ! |
upper lashing:An upper lashing is used on a sled. Qiḷġun atuqtuq qiḷġiñi. |
upper leg:mumitchiaq, dl. mumitchiak, pl. mumitchiat My son likes to eat rabbit drumsticks. Iġñiġa niġisuguuruq ukalliurat mumitchiaŋitñik. |
upper teeth:The upper teeth are used to chew food. Qullimġaat kigutit atuġaqtut tamuqtuni niqimik. |
uppermost:qulliq, dl. qulliik, pl. qulliich Please give me the top book. Qulliq makpiġaaq uvamnun qaiḷḷauŋ. |
upriver:qamma My father is living alone up river. Qamma taataga iñuuniaqtuq kisimi. 2. to journey upriver in a boat tagraq- They are going upriver. Tagraqtut. 3. to go towards upriver argumuk- They are going upriver. Argumuktut. |
upset:tuqpallak- he has gotten upset, he has hard feelings from harsh words tuqpallaktuq, dl. tuqpallaktuk, pl. tuqpallaktut They heard their daughter was gone and they got upset. Paniŋmiknik piitchuamik tusraaplutik tuqpallaktuk. |