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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

The links to the sound files have been removed in hopes that it may help with searching.

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Tr'ot'ix ED+JD
Vinatr'ot'ix. ED+JD He's ugly. lit. His face is ugly.

See "Bad"

Vidhi'a ED+JD Mother's brother  
Sam vidhi'a yelanh. ED+JD Sam is his uncle. 
Vitoy ED+JD Father's brother  
Vitoy didiyoq 1945. ED+JD Her uncle died in 1945.  

Ondalningh. JD+ED He is unconscious. He fainted.  
Ondalningh ts'i idiyił tr'idineg. JD+ED He fainted and doesn't know himself.
Yuxudz onixidalningh. JD+ED They are all unconscious.  

Vit'ox JD+ED lit. Underneath it
Chel k'idz viq'idz galnon t'ox dhido. ED+JD The little boy is under the table.  
Vit'ox yela. ED+JD Put it under there.  

Yiq'ato alniyh. AJ+AJ She is finding out.  
Yiq'ato alniyh, he'? AJ+AJ Does she understand it?
Yiq'ato ngalniyh, he'? AJ+AJ Do you understand it?  
Yiq'ato ghalnek. AJ+AJ She figured it out it.  
Gidetth'iq. AJ+AJ She understands something.  
Deg Xinag detth'iq. AJ He understands Deg Xinag. 

Eyixiy ED+JD

See "Sad"

Digganyitidhi'ux. JD+ED She is untying it.  
Go idał digganyitidhi'ux. JD+ED Right now he's untying it.
Tl'eł diggangi'ux. JD+ED Untie the rope.  
Digganyighe'ux. JD+ED He untied it.  

Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Up overhead, straight up
Ngidixi xiningił'anh. JD+ED Look up there.
Ngidixi didhe'oyh iy. JD+ED Put it up there.
Ngidixi didhi'onh. JD+ED It is up there.
Aduq iy. JD+ED It's up there.
Aduggi didhi'onh. JD+ED He put it up there.

See "Above", "High"

Ngine' JD+ED Going upriver
Vedoy ye ngine' tidhiqanh. JD+ED He went upriver in his canoe.  
Enedz JD+KH From upriver  
Enedz neyo. JD+KH He came from upriver. 

... axa dit'anh. JD+ED lit. With ... she is doing something.
Tthingił axa dit'anh. JD+ED He's using an axe.

See "Do"

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