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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tadaahaał audio he is wading
imperfective paradigm
tadihhaał tadzaadéł
tadinhaaL tadahde1L
tadaahaaL taxdaade1L

taadetmeek audio she or he is wading in and out of the water

łii deché' étiik audio the dog is wagging its tail
shtl'ed audio my waist
tthée' audio stop, wait!
needoogh eedah audio she or he is waiting for us
Different words are used for taking about one or more than one person.
ts'énihthíit audio I am waking up
perfective paradigmaudio
ts'éníhthet ts'éts'énindéek
ts'énínthet ts'énahdéek
ts'énínthet ts'éxnindéek

ts'éninthiit audio  wake up!

This same basic words are used with a meaning 'go', without referring to how. Different words are used for referring to one or more than one person.
aahaał audio she or he is walking
imperfective paradigm audio
ghihhaał ts'aadéł
ghinhaał ghahdéł
aahaał xaadéł

tth'iitú' k'eddh łóghíhhaał audio I am walking around by the river
gheggek audio I am walking fast and straight, 'power walking'
SEE move (animals) for animals (and birds) walking

tétth audio
SYN staff, cane
shax eekeh audio
There are two basic words for 'want'. It is injih to say that you want a material object. Words with -tląą imply an immediate desire for something.
shdéhtląą audio I want, crave it
ldîil shdéhtląą audio  I want tea
ldîil ndéhtląą? audio do you want tea?
meł shdéhtląą audio I am sleepy LITERALLY 'I want sleep'
imperfective paradigmaudio
shdéhtląą needéhtląą
ndéhtląą nuhdéhtląą
yidéhtląą xuudéhtląą

Words with -thenh can imply a less immediate desire for something than words with -tląą.
êy êynihthenh audio I want it
xiy'êyninthenh audio they want it
má' êynihthenh audio  I want fish
imperfective paradigm
êynihthenh êyts'iyininthenh
êyninthenh êynahthenh
êyninthenh êxiyininthenh
naamaax audio audio
k'elaxdihtsogh yellow warbler (Dendrocia petechia)
nelgón' audio it (an object) is warm
ldîil nelkón' t'o tishdiił audio the tea is lukewarm but I will drink it
xnelgón' audio it (the weather) is warm audio
nah'ôg xnelgón' audio it is warm outside
naxnelgón' audio it warmed up
medaxdekshaan audio  I warned him or her
naamaax audio
shéeth audio
Tanacross uses different words depending on what is being washed.
tth'ák k'éch'éktseł audio I am washing the dishes
imperfective paradigmaudio
k'éch'éktseł k'éyts'éhtseł
k'éch'į́htseł k'éch'áhtseł
k'éych'éhtseł k'éch'áxéhtseł

tth'áak eta'ihłeex I am washing the dishes
lach'egdeex audio I'm washing my hands

imperfective paradigmaudio
lach'egdeex layts'eldeex
lach'ildeex lach'aldeex
lach'eldeex lach'axeldeex

neech'egdeex audio I am washing my face
shch'ěl' na'ihgétth audio I am washing clothes

imperfective paradigmaudio
nach'ihgétth nayts'egétth
nach'ingétth nach'ahgétth
nach'egétth nach'axegétth
taatleex tth'áak audio
nayúdeh'ę́ę' audio she or he is watching him. her or it
ts'éhxeh gaay nayúdeh'ę́ę' audio the little girl is watching her
dendîig na'údek-'ę́ę' audio I am watching the moose
dendîig natdek-'íik audio I am watching the moose move around
ndaxdédhíshdah audio I am watching, observing (nothing in particular)
súu' dé'! audio  be careful, watch out
Included here are words referring to the movement of water as well as kinds of water.
tuu audio water
texninthaat audio deep water
texnįhk'ôdl audio shallow water
dees k'et déełęyh audio water flows over shallows
tuu tth'ų́ų' audio clear water
taak'étth audio clear, cold water
tuu kón' audio clear water
tuu tanat-t'uut audio water is muddy, dirty
Different words are used to describe water levels or changes in water levels.
tuu natet-tsetth audio the water went back down
tuu niihąą audio water has risen, flooded
tuu niltah audio water level is steady

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