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United States Indian Bureau Tests

United States Indian Bureau Tests

United States Indian Bureau Tests

United States Indian Bureau Tests

United States Indian Bureau Tests

DIRECTIONS: Write one or more. paragraphs telling the story which the picture on the front page suggests to you. In this story, be sure that you include something about:

I . The man on horseback with his dog, telling what you think he is going to do.

2. The people in the automobile, telling where they came from and where they may be going.

3. The family in the wagon, telling where they have been or where they are going.

4. Any other things that you wish to include.


Lines for writing


1) No scoring key is needed. Instead, follow the procedure described below to determine the five scores that are to be recorded.

2) Length?Count the total of words in the composition. Pay no attention to errors in making this count. This is the length of the composition, and this number should be entered in the space following L on the back of the booklet.

3) Errors?First, mark off with a red or blue pencil the 60 words that are to be scored for errors. These 60 words should begin with the second line that the student has written. Beginning at the beginning of this second line, count the next 60 words that the student has written, and mark these off with short vertical lines. Then count the number of errors that appear in these 60 words. A guide to kinds of errors is given below. If a student has not written 60 words, it will be necessary to adjust his error score for length. This is explained below.



1) Each misspelled word is considered an error. Do not, however, count as an error the repetition of a misspelling. For example, if the student writes "recives" for "receive" twice in the 60 words, this is counted as only one error.


Omitted beginning of sentence
Ex. he is going hunting.
Omitted beginning of direct quotation
Ex. She said, "bring me a deer."
Omitted proper noun or pronoun
Ex. mary and i . . .
Omitted nationality, race or language
Ex. indian; english
Omitted days of the week, months of the year
Ex. saturday, june
Wrongly used common nouns
He brought a Deer.
Wrongly used Pronouns
Ex. He told Her to come back
Wrongly used miscellaneous
Ex. He Rodeaway. The dog is Big
Omitted titles of respects, reference to deity
Ex. He asked the great spirit .
chief Wahoo


Omitted before or after a direct quotation
Ex. He said * "I will come soon."
Omitted between city and state
Ex. Gallup New Mexico
Omitted dates
Ex. January 6 * 1945
Omitted words, phrases orclauses in a series
Ex. a beautiful * white horse.
Omitted dependent clauses
Ex. As he went * she watched him.
Omitted Parenthetical elements, appostives, etc.
Ex. Come back * father * as soon as you can
Wrongly used Miscellaneous
Ex. The girl is playing,.
Wrongly used Comma Splice
Ex. The man is going, He is on a horse.
Wrongly used between subject and verb
Ex. The faithful pony, carried on
Wrongly used To separate adjective from noun
Ex. a big, white, horse.
Wrongly used To mark a trivial pause
Ex. The dog ran, on into the woods.


Omitted abbreviations
Ex. Mr * and etc *
Omitted end of sentence
Ex. He is going *
Wrongly used miscellaneous: at end of each line
Ex. He rode to the.
hills on his horse.
early in the morning.


Omission of interrogation point after direct question
Ex. She said, "May I go."
Omission of quotation marks before or after direct quotation
Ex.The man said, I am going.
Omission of apostrophe to denote possession
Ex. His horse * is name is.
The girls mother. . .
Omission of apostrophe in contraction
Ex. He can * t go.
Omission of hyphen in compound words
Ex. Her father * in * law
Omission of hyphen in division of words at end of line
Omission of semi-colon, colon, or exclamation mark
Ex. She was a kind mother, she was good to her children.
Wrongly used interrogation point after declarative sentence or indirect quotation.
Ex. They are going to eat meat?
She asked if she go?
Wrongly used quotation marks to set off indirect quotation, of wrongly placed
Ex. She is telling him" to come when he. . .
Omission of Quotation marks-miscellaneous
Ex. (slang expressions - "feller * )
Wrongly used apostrophe-misplaced or to form plurals, etc.
Ex. He go,s. He brought rabbit's
Wrongly used hyphen in compound words, etc.
Ex. I am going to-day.
Wrongly used hyphen in dividing words at end of line
Ex. He is st-
anding outside.
Wrongly used semi-colon, colon, or exclamation mark.
Ex. Wishing him luck; on his journey.


Omission of noun or pronoun
Ex. The little --------- is here.
Sentence fragments
Ex. (He rode away.) As the sun set.
Excessive use of and, then, so, but to connect short sentences or words in a series.
Ex. She went in the house and she helped her mother and the boy -------
Repetition of words
Ex. He will soon be back soon.
He said, "I am going now," he said.
Excessive use of and, then, so, but
Ex. And he went. And he shot a deer
Run-on sentences
Ex. He went off and she waved at him he caught two foxes they were big.
Awkward, dangling or unparallel structure. Inverted word order.
Ex. She will cook meat for supper to eat. He is going hunting for his family. He will be gone two days which will consist of village men.
The boy was something doing.
Irrelevant words introduced
Ex. wearing a some
The girl she said
He will return back.


Shifting tense within sentence
Ex. They came and begin _______
He saw a rabbit and chases him.
Past tense and past participle confused
Ex. They had came. He seen.
Agreement of subject and verb in person and number
Ex. The boy sit _______
The house have _______
Omission of "ing" ending.
Ex. He went hunt ---------
Confusion of tense, participle and verb forms (Miscellaneous)
Ex. to returned; he is return. he will brought. I will went.
Omission of "to" or use of "and" with infinitive
Ex._____ something for them------- eat. Try and come soon
Omission of verb or auxilliary
Ex. He hunting for deer.
She ------- her hand.
She ------- waving her hand.
Ex. set for sit; got for has, etc.
Wrong verb form


Singular noun for plural
Ex. He brought two rabbit.
Agreement of pronoun with antecedent in person and number
Ex. He will shoot animals and bring it back.
Interchange of pronoun and demonstrative adjective
Ex.Them hills are_______
Interchange of possessive and other cases of pronouns
Ex. Him daughter is_______
He dog ran.
Plural noun for singular
Ex. equipments; men for man, etc.
Agreement of pronoun with antecedent in gender.
Ex. The girl said to his father_____
Interchange of accusative and nominative
Ex. Her and her brother stayed home.
Him and his family_______
Confusion of who, whom; what, which; who, which
Ex. everything what he
the girl what




Confusion of adjectives and adverbs
Ex. so terrible low
She did it good.
Confusion of superlative and comparative
Ex. early than usual
hardest of the two


Confusion of preposition and conjunctions
Ex. looks like they have
Omission of preposition or conjunction
Ex. He is riding-------the mountains.
Wrong preposition
Ex. The girl stood on the side if the_______
_______riding in the horse's back.



then instead of than
to, too, two
they, there, their
Misuse or omission of article
Ex. He went for a meat.
_______close to ground.


new, knew; here, hear; are, our, or; by, buy; dear; deer; is, his, has; were, where; when, want, went, won't; bought, brought; her, here; thing, think, thank; alone, along; off, of; no, know; fine, find; well, will; etc.


Ex. He hasn't no food.

Each error should be identified on the student's booklet by underlining it with a blue or red pencil. Count every error that appears (with the exception of repetition of misspelled forms.) For example, if a student omitted the two commas needed to mark off an appositive, both omissions are counted as errors. Find the total number or errors of all types that appear in the 60 words and enter this number on the back page in the space following E.

If a student has written less than 60 words, beginning with the second line, it will be necessary to adjust this score for length. Do this by finding the number of errors that actually appear and increasing it in proportion to the number of words actually being scored for errors. For example, if a student made 6 errors in the words being scored, and if the number of words being scored is 30, the error score would be two times 6, or 12. If he made errors in 45 words, his error score would be 7 plus one-third of 7, or 9. Always round these to the nearest whole number.

4) Quality of Sentence Structure--Examine the 60 words scored for errors and determine a score for quality of sentence structure according to the following scale:


0 No evidence of any attempt to write sentences
1 Uses only simple sentences with a few modifiers
2 Uses simple sentences but their complexity is increased by the use of phrases, etc.
3 Uses either compound or complex sentences. The compound sentences should represent intergation of statements rather than merely stringly simple sentences together with "and."
4 Uses a variety of sentences, including both compound and complex.

Scoring the quality of sentence structure demands a judgement on the part of the scorer. Agreement between at least two judges should be secured in scor ing this section. Enter the score (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) in space following SS on back of the student's booklet.

5) Quality of Punctuation--Determine the total number of different kinds of punctuation the student uses in the 60 words scored for errors. Count each different kind used, regardless of whether or not they were used correctly. If no punctuation is used, the score is 0. If only one kind, such as the period, is used, the score is 1. If two different kinds are used, the score is 2. And so forth. Enter this score in the space following P on the back of the student's booklet.

6) Word Complexity--Examine the 60 words scored for errors, and count the total number of different words of more than one syllable that the student used. Do not count repetitions of the same word. On the other hand, do count words of more than one syllable that are incorrectly spelled or used. Enter this score in the space following w on the back page of the student's booklet. Do not use spaces after v, x, y, or z.

7) Checking the Scoring--It is important that the scoring of this test be carefully checked. The best practice is to have two different persons determine all five scores independently. If there is disagreement, then they should resolve their differences, in accordance with their interpretation of these scoring instructions. Reputable dictionairies and English handbooks should be consulted when two persons disagree on correct forms. There may be many disagreements with respect to the acceptability of certain usages. Split infinitives constitute a good example. In general, follow the more recent standards of style, which, for example, accept split infinitives so long as they do not introduce a confusion in meaning,

8) Entering the Score--Enter the five scores in the appropriate spaces on the Background Information on Sheet.

United States Indian Bureau Tests


Timber, form lands, coal, oil, mines and wild life are called natural resources. Nature has given us these things to help us make a living.

DIRECTIONS: This test is made up of a number of items about some of these resources. Each item has four possible answers. Choose the best answer in each item and place a check beside it Check only ONE answer in each item.


1. A person who understands the nature and importance of natural resources, knows that

_______A. the man who owns these resources should be allowed to use them or sell them as he wishes.
_______B. all resources should be owned and controlled by the government.
_______C. the one who owns them should use them so that they will continue to produce for many years to come.
_______D. the one who owns timber or other resources should sell all of it whenever the price is high or the need is great.

2. The money received from the sale of natural resources should be

_______A. divided equally among the owners.

_______B. used to build a large community building.

_______C. used to buy a herd of cattle to feed and sell on the market.

_______D. used to buy land or other resources of continuing value.

3. Irrigation is the method by which water is carried and applied to the soil. Irrigation will

_______A. make sure of a good crop every year

_______B. provide water when it does not rain.

_______C. make it easier to farm the land.

_______D. help control weeds and insect pests.

4. Weeds rob the soil of plant food and cut down the yield of crops. The best method to control harmful weeds on crop land is to

_______A. pasture the fields with sheep, goats or cattle.
_______B. allow the fields to stand idle without cultivation every other year.
_______C. pull up all of the weeds that have gone to seed and burn hedges and fence rows.
_______D. plant clean seed, cultivate thoroughly, and change crops from year to year

5. The greatest loss to farmers from insect pests results from the fact that insects

_______A. make much extra work for the former.

_______B. annoy the livestock and keep them from feeding.

_______C. reduce the amount and quality of form and orchard crops.

_______D. cause the farmer to spend a great deal of money to control or destroy them.

6. Insects which harm garden or fruit crops will best be held in check when

_______A. man leaves them to their natural enemies.

_______B. seeds are planted at greater depth.

_______C. sprayed or dusted with insect poison.

_______D. fields are cultivated regularly and frequently.

7. Less of the top soil of cultivated land will blow away during heavy winds when

_______A. contour plowing is practiced.

_______B. every other strip of land is always covered with a growing crop.

_______C. whole fields are covered with the same type of crops.

_______D. crops are changed from year to year.

8. Clover and alfalfa should be included in farm crops because they

_______A. yield more feed than any other crop.

_______B. build up the soil more than any other crop.

_______C. always make a crop in dry years.

_______D. can be harvested when there is little other farm work.

9. Indians used to bury a fish in every hill of corn to

_______A. observe a religious practice of the tribe.

_______B. make the seed sprout more quickly.

_______C. get rid of spoiled fish.

_______D. fertilize the hill of corn.

10. Growing plants require food. They get this food from the soil in which they grow. If crops are to be planted year after year on this land, food must be returned to the soil. In your area this could be done by

_______A. spreading barnyard manure or commercial fertilizer on the fields.

_______B. allowing the land to lie idle every other year.

_______C. allowing no weeds to grow on the field.

_______D. burning straw and stubble on the ground after harvest.

11. Top soil will be prevented from washing away when

_______A. a cover of protective growing plants is kept on the soil whenever possible.
_______B. crops are planted in straight rows running from the top of the hill to the bottom.
_______C. a prayer stick is planted in the middle of the field.
_______D. hillside fields are planted to cultivated crops year after year.

12. A farmer or rancher would be wise to lease his form or grazing land only when

_______A. he has several small tracts of land widely separated and unprofitable to operate.
_______B. it can be rented to a friend.
_______C. the owner needs an income.
_______D. the land cannot be used for crop farming.

13. Native pasture grasses are destroyed when

_______A. the grass is cut for hay each year:

_______B. livestock keeps the gross cropped too close to permit reseeding.

_______C. heavy winter snows cover the gross for long periods of time.

_______D. rainfall in any one year is less than the average amount.

14. A pure bred sire should be used in a livestock program because

_______A. all offspring could then be registered as full-bloods.
_______B. the off-spring will be hardier and better adapted to the country.
_______C. the off-spring will be likely to have a higher market value or produce more income.
_______D. that will guarantee 100 per cent yield of offspring.

15. Every grain farmer should keep a flock of poultry because it will

_______A. produce eggs and meat throughout the year

_______B. yield a very large income throughout the year

_______C. provide interesting and pleasant work for the younger members of the family.

_______D. live on table scraps alone.

16. When the amount of annual rainfall is from 10 to 20 inches conditions are usually well suited for

_______A. general farming and dairying.

_______B. stock raising and dry farming.

_______C. fruit growing and gardening.

_______D. no production of any kind.

17 Birds should be given shelter and protection in farming areas because

_______A. they feed on weed seeds and insects that are harmful to crops.

_______B. they can be killed to supply meat for the farmer.

_______C. they help carry seeds from place to place

_______D. they migrate to warmer countries in the winter

18 Sources of water supply give us drinking water, irrigation, and power. These sources should be controlled by

_______A. the individual who owns the surrounding land.

_______B. a company of private businessmen organized for profit.

_______C. some agency of the government or community

_______D. the people who first discover it

19 Mineral and oil resources should be

_______A. used up as rapidly as possible while the need is great and the prices are high.
_______B. left in the ground so that the next generation may enjoy their use.
_______C. taken from the ground only as long as large scale production is profitable.
_______D. taken out of the ground under regulations that will prevent waste and insure a supply for future needs.

20 The main reason each state has game laws is to

_______A. provide an income for the state from license fees.

_______B. supply hunting for sportsmen.

_______C. prevent birds and wild animals from becoming scarce.

_______D. provide food for the Indians.


21. One of the best reasons why a person would want to be a rancher or former is because

_______A. he enjoys the work and gets a living from his labor

_______B. he doesn't have a boss over him.

_______C. there is always good money in it.

_______D. all ranchers or farmers are successful men.

22. Planting a different crop each year is a good practice because

_______A. you can grow a larger variety of things.

_______B. it is less work.

_______C. it saves and returns plant food to the soil.

_______D. it brings a larger cash income each year.

23. If you were to examine different kinds of soil under a microscope, the type which would appear to have the largest particles is

_______A. Sandy soil.

_______B. Looms.

_______C. Clay.

_______D. Humus.

24. When purchasing vegetable seeds, it is important to consider the

_______A. amount of seed received for the price.

_______B. reputation of the seed house.

_______C. size of the vegetables as shown on the package.

_______D. size of the seeds in the package.

25. For the purpose of control, harmful plant insects are classified as

_______A. large and small.

_______B. flying and crawling.

_______C. chewing and sucking.

_______D. hard and soft shell.

26. The tools which one would use in making a wooden box are

_______A. Hammer, plane, cold chisel.

_______B. Screw driver, brace, bit.

_______C. Hammer, square, saw.

_______D. Saw, nails, wrench.

27. To get the best information about farming and grazing, one should write to the

_______A. governor.

_______B. state agricultural college.

_______C. United States Weather Bureau.

_______D. state department of education.

28. Before you use a farm Implement the first time, you should have someone show you how to operate it because

_______A. it will save you time.

_______B. you can do a better job with less chance of damage to the implement.

_______C. directions are very seldom found on implements.

_______D. you would never be able to find out for yourself.

29. A farmer or a businessman can find out if he is making money or losing money, if he

_______A. sells his products in the fall.

_______B. keeps complete records of the prices of what he buys and sells.

_______C. gets information from his friends.

_______D. asks the form agent.

30. Garden seed should be planted at such a time that when the young plants appear, they will not be in danger from

_______A. heavy hailstorm.

_______B. severe drought.

_______C. early rainstorm.

_______D. late frost.

31. The age at which pigs should be weaned is

_______A. two to four weeks.

_______B. six to eight weeks.

_______C. three to four months.

_______D. six to eight months.

32. If a rope running through a pulley breaks, the best way to repair the break would be to

_______A. tie the two broken ends together with a square knot.

_______B. buy a new rope.

_______C. splice the two ends together with along splice.

_______D. tie the ends together with baling wire.

33. Form machinery will lost longer if it is

_______A. used by neighbors and friends.

_______B. owned by several people.

_______C. left out in the rain and snow.

_______D. kept greased, repaired, and under shelter.

34. Lumber is generally bought by the

_______A. board foot.

_______B. square foot.

_______C. cubic foot.

_______D. square yard.

35. Grain is generally sold by the

_______A. bushel or hundred weight.

_______B. quart or gallon.

_______C. sack or wagon load.

_______D. cubic foot or square foot.

36. One of the best ways to have proof that you have purchased something is to get a

_______A. bill of sale or receipt.

_______B. commission or discount.

_______C. money order or cash.

_______D. write your name on it.

37. If feed can be raised or is cheap, one or more hogs would be desirable for family use in order to

_______A. provide cash when needed.

_______B. provide meat and lard.

_______C. keep snakes away from the house.

_______D. eat table scraps and garbage.

38. When training a horse to be ridden, one of the things a person should do is to

_______A. whip him until he gives up.

_______B. hobble or tie his front legs.

_______C. treat him kindly but firmly.

_______D. keep feed and water from him until he obeys.

39. A few sheep on a small farm

_______A. will make the farmer a lot of money.

_______B. will furnish work for the children.

_______C. will eat many plants left by other livestock and produce a regular Income.

_______D. will make nice pets.

40. To control lice on hogs it is best to

_______A. dip the hogs in a vat of disinfectant.

_______B. brush the hogs frequently with a stiff brush.

_______C. place an oiled sock on a post where the hogs can rub against it.

_______D. see that hogs' rations contain plenty of minerals.

41. Pink eye is a common disease of

_______A. sheep.

_______B. hogs.

_______C. cattle.

_______D. chickens.

42. When judging beef cattle, the most important qualities ore:

_______A. slow, quiet and easily handled.

_______B. low set, compact, and squarely built.

_______C. will pasture easily on open range.

_______D. gives a fair amount of milk for the family.

43. Pullets that grow slower than others in the flock should be

_______A. kept for layers.

_______B. culled and eaten at home or sold.

_______C. trained for shows.

_______D. mixed with other breeds.

44. Potato beetles can be killed by

_______A. spraying or dusting the leaves of the plant with poison.

_______B. spraying or dusting the beetles themselves with poison.

_______C. setting traps for them.

_______D. having a flock of crows in the potato field.

45. An animal dies from disease A good way to get rid of the body would be to

_______A. drag it to some low place and cover it with rocks.
_______B. sell it to one of the neighbors.
_______C. leave the body for the coyotes and birds.
_______D. dig a hole next to the animal, roll the body in and cover it up with dirt and rocks.

46. The age of a yearling horse or cow is about

_______A. 12 months.

_______B. 18 months.

_______C. 24 months.

_______D. 36 months.

47. The breed of beef cattle which has a white face is:

_______A. Shorthorn.

_______B. Angus.

_______C. Hereford.

_______D. Calloway.

48. Cattle are branded to

_______A. indicate their breed.

_______B. show what state they are from.

_______C. show who owns them.

_______D. provide training for boys.

49. Instruments should be disinfected before vaccinating each animal in order to

_______A. practice what was learned in school.

_______B. abide by the law of the range.

_______C. prevent infection and the spread of disease.

_______D. keep the cattle from dying.

50. The future of the farming and ranching industry will generally be good because.

_______A. more people are engaged in it than in any other industry.

_______B. there is an abundance of forming and grass land still not in use.

_______C. many young men are being trained to become farmers and ranchers.

_______D. people everywhere must depend upon the products of farms and ranches.

51. The goat is a practical and useful animal for a family because it

_______A. lives on rogs and trash around the house.

_______B. gives more milk than a dairy cow.

_______C. produces wholesome milk on a small amount of feed.

_______D. protects sheep.

52. Windows in a hen house should be placed so that

_______A. sunlight will strike every part of the floor sometime during the day.

_______B. part of the floor will be dark at all times.

_______C. chickens will have fresh air blowing on them during the day.

_______D. chickens can get out in case of fire.

53. A farmer insured his crop. It was later destroyed by hail. When he tried to collect money for the damage, the company told him that his policy did not protect the crop against hail. The farmer should

_______A. sue the company for enough money to pay the damage.

_______B. buy insurance from another company.

_______C. form the habit of reading and understanding a paper before he signs it.

_______D. write his Congressman, asking for a change in the low.

54. In butchering animals it is important to bleed them freely so that

_______A. the meat will cure properly and not spoil so easily.

_______B. the meat can be cut up more easily.

_______C. the meat will be more nourishing.

_______D. the animal will die quickly and the butchering can be done faster.

55. For a vegetable garden, one should select a plot that is

_______A. protected from grasshoppers and stray horses.

_______B. fertile and near water.

_______C. level and near the house.

_______D. easy to cultivate.

56. Cattlemen with small herds should cooperate in shipping cattle because it is

_______A. more fun to ship large numbers.

_______B. cheaper for each cattleman.

_______C. necessary to fill each stock car.

_______D. an opportunity for neighbors to work together.

57. Each rural family should have a garden because

_______A. the children can learn all about agriculture.

_______B. it will add to the looks of the farm.

_______C. the neighbors always have a garden.

_______D. it will supply the home with fresh vegetables.

58. In raising livestock it is very important to keep the barn or pens clean and sanitary because

_______A. animals like to live in clean places.

_______B. barns and yards are made more attractive.

_______C. there are laws against dirt and filth.

_______D. this keeps the animals healthier.

59. The best way to learn forming and ranching while at school is to

_______A. take part in agriculture projects.

_______B. learn by talking to other students.

_______C. make a written or oral report once a week.

_______D. listen to the teacher.

60. The best way to clean milk cans and buckets is to

_______A. scrub them with soap and water.

_______B. wash and put them in the sun to dry.

_______C. use a strong disinfectant on them.

_______D. wash in cold water, rinse in scalding water and put in the sun to dry.


61. The money received from the sale of natural resources should be

_______A. used to pay for the cost of a fair or rodeo.

_______B. used to buy land or other resources of continuing value.

_______C. used to buy a herd of cattle to feed and sell.

_______D. used to build a large community building.

62. The purpose of irrigation is to

_______A. provide water for crops.

_______B. furnish water for homes.

_______C. make it easier to farm the land.

_______D. give work to more people.

63. Weeds cause greatest loss to agriculture by

_______A. providing food for prairie dogs.

_______B. providing a home for insects.

_______C. increasing erosion.

_______D. using food and moisture needed by planted crops.

64. Heavy winds will blow away less of the topsoil of cultivated land if

_______A. a different crop is planted each year.

_______B. strips of tall growing crops are planted next to row crops.

_______C. the some crop is planted all over the field.

_______D. there is lots of bare fond between rows of growing plants.

65. Over a period of years, a herd of cattle can be improved best by

_______A. feeding them alfalfa hay.

_______B. killing the slow-growing or stunted calves.

_______C. selling the calves while they are young.

_______D. using purebred bulls.

66. In an area where the soil is good but there is little rainfall the conditions are usually suited for

_______A. general farming and dairying.

_______B. stock raising and dry farming.

_______C. fruit growing and gardening.

_______D. no production of any kind.

United States Indian Bureau Health & Safety

United States Indian Bureau Health & Safety

United States Indian Bureau Health & Safety

United States Indian Bureau Health & Safety

United States Indian Bureau Health & Safety

United States Indian Bureau Health & Safety

United States Indian Bureau Health & Safety



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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
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Last modified August 17, 2006