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Native Pathways to Education
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The Educational Achievement of Indian Children


  1. Anderson, Kenneth E. "A Frontal Attack on the Basic Problem in Evaluation." Journal of Experimental Education, 18 (March 1950) 163-174.
  2. Anderson, Kenneth E. A Summary Report to the North Central Schools of Kansas on Criterion I. (Mimeographed Bulletin) School of Education, University of Kansas, 1949.
  3. Review and Preview, Secondary School Studies of Drop-Outs, Hidden Tuition Costs, Junior High Activity Program. Lawrence Junior High School, Liberty Memorial High School, Lawrence, Kansas. (In cooperation with the School of Education, University of Kansas.) 1950-1951.
  4. Edwards, Allen L. Experimental Design in Psychological Research. New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1950.
  5. Fisher, R. A. Statistical Methods For Research Workers. (6th ed.) Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1936.
  6. Johnson, Palmer O. Statistical Methods in Research. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1949.
  7. Olds, E. G. "Distributions of Sums of Squares of Rank Differences For Small Numbers of Individuals." Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 9 (March 1938) 133-149.
  8. Peterson, Shailer. How Well Are Indian Children Educated? Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute Print Shop, 1948.
  9. Schunert, Jim. "The Association of Mathematical Achievement With Certain Factors Resident in the Teacher, in the Teaching, in the Pupil and in the School." Journal of Experimental Education, 19 (March 1951) 219-238.
  10. Tompkins, Ellsworth. "Where Are the Boys?" School and Society, 70
    (July 2, 1949) 8-10.



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Last modified August 14, 2006