Educational Achievement of Indian Children
Conclusions and Plans for
the Future
On the basis of the statistical
techniques used, differences in educational accomplishments large
enough to be considered significant
were obtained between types of schools on each of the tests in
both the eighth and twelfth grades.
Grade Eight
In terms of significant critical ratios, differences in achievement
of Indian children in the various types of schools as a group were:
1. Greatest in capitalization, sentence structure, and vocabulary.
2. Apparent in reading to appreciate general significance, arithmetic
computation, punctuation, and length of free writing.
3. Few in arithmetic-factor abilities and use of resources.
4. Non-existent in reading to understand precise directions, good
usage, and errors in free writing.
In terms of significant critical ratios, white children in the
public schools when compared to the Indian children in the various
types of schools as a group, were:
1. Definitely superior in good usage, reading to understand precise
directions, sentence structure, punctuation, and reading to appreciate
general significance.
2. Superior in capitalization, arithmetic-factor abilities, arithmetic
computation, and use of resources.
3. Somewhat superior in vocabulary.
4. Somewhat superior in errors in free writing.
5. No better in length of free writing.
Grade Twelve
In terms of significant critical ratios, differences in achievement
of Indian children in the various types of schools as a group were:
1. Greatest in vocabulary, arithmetic-factor abilities, punctuation,
capitalization, reading to note details.
2. Were apparent in length of free writing, errors in free writing,
use of resources, sentence structure, good usage, reading to predict
outcomes of given events, and health and safety.
In terms of significant critical ratios, white children in the
public schools when compared to the Indian children in the various
types of schools as a group, were:
1. Definitely superior in capitalization, good usage, sentence
structure, and punctuation.
2. Superior in vocabulary and reading to predict the outcomes of
given events.
3. Somewhat superior in reading to note details, arithmeticfactor
abilities, use of resources, and health and safety.
4. No better in length of free writing.
5. Somewhat superior in errors in free writing.
Considerable differences in achievement were noted from area to
area and from one type of school to another in both grade eight
and twelve with evidence of varying degrees of overlap. The fact
that the areas and types of schools were quite consistent in performance
on the tests as a whole on both grade levels tentatively indicates
that, with regard to educational achievement, a hierarchy of both
areas and types of schools seems to exist.
When these hierarchies were used to produce a ranking of areas
and a ranking of types of schools, and when these rankings were
correlated with rankings on certain cultural and educational factors,
correlations were obtained which lend support to the statement:
that as the cultural and educational backgrounds of Indian
children become more like those of white children in the public
the more closely will the educational achievement of Indian children
match that of white children.
Educational workers in the various areas and types of schools need
not be unduly concerned with the relative position of their area
or type of school with reference to the others until they have
ascertained whether or not the children under their direction had
greater or lesser cultural and educational opportunities as compared
to children in other areas or types of schools. Even then, differences
in teacher competency coupled with other factors operate to produce
differences in pupil achievement among Indian children as well
as white children.
Tour of the Southwest
In January of 1951, L. Madison Coombs, Education Specialist for
the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Dr. Kenneth E. Anderson of the
University of Kansas visited schools throughout the Southwest area
with the specific purpose of improving the Indian Testing Service.
The following letter of suggestions and recommendations was sent
to Dr. Beatty on February 13, 1951:
Dear Dr. Beatty:
After a seventeen-day tour of the Southwest reservations, I am
impressed with the vastness and complexity of the whole Indian
problem and feel that much more should be done to ameliorate the
injustices which have been visited upon these conquered peoples.
If all of the critics of Indian education could have the privilege
that Madison Coombs and I have had of a visit to the schools of
the Southwest, they would have to agree that Indian education is
not without merit. I have developed a profound respect for the
excellent work being done in this area. The personnel is of high
caliber, and has a professional outlook that warms the heart. While
everyone was cooperative, 1 wish to mention especially the following
people who made our tour pleasant and enlightening: Mr. Beggs,
Mrs. Bibo, Miss Gould, Mr. Williams, Mr. Warren, Mr. Gray, Mrs.
Thompson, Mr. Bramlett, Mr. Carnal, Mr. Wells, Mr. Morelock, Mr.
Lundeen, Mr. Ryan, and Mr. Pratt. These people and many others
offered constructive suggestions which should be valuable to the
testing program. It is my sincere opinion that your people are
doing a fine job of making education function realistically for
the Indian boy and girl.
In order to increase the scope and effectiveness of your work the
following recommendations are made, subsequent to the seventeen-day
tour of the schools in the Pueblo, Navajo, Hopi, Pima, and Papago
Indian Reservations:
1. A general conference should be held in the spring of 1951, at
which representatives of the testing personnel, University of Kansas,
and area educationists should:
(a) review the past and present testing program.
(b) consider the testing program in the light of the objectives
of Indian education and the minimum essential goals.
(c) select tests from the inventory of existing tests or construct
new tests to measure the stated objectives.
(d) develop a blueprint for administering, tabulating, and reporting
test data to schools within the several areas.
This phase is separate from the background information sheets used
in the past. It is hoped that the schools would, within two months
after the tests had been given, have in their hands the essential
statistical data and norms necessary for proper interpretation
of an individual's achievement in essential subjects.
(e) discuss the guidance possibilities inherent in the new testing
2. The basic list of tests for the fundamental subjects should
be made up of those tests in which equivalent forms are available,
so that identical tests are not used from year to year.
3. Administration of tests for the fundamental subjects should
be on a service-wide basis and should occur at approximately the
same time each year so that growth in subject matter areas could
be measured consistently.
4. Comprehensive plans for the administration, scoring, and reporting
of test data should be laid by the area educationists in conferences
in their areas prior to the testing week. Standardized forms for
reporting and tabulation of data should be used to report data
to Haskell. The completed forms should be in the Haskell office
within three weeks after the tests are given. The University of
Kansas Bureaus (Research and Guidance) would make the statistical
computations necessary for proper interpretation of the data. Reports
with recommendations for improvement of instruction would then
be prepared for distribution to areas and schools.
5. Diagnosis and guidance purposes could be served by the use of
transparent acetates. These might display lines to indicate: (a)
area norms, (b) reservation norms, (c) day school norms, and (d)
boarding school norms. The acetates would be distributed to areas
and schools. Thus, by direct comparison, the Indian schools within
each area might determine the field, for example arithmetic fundamentals,
where greater concentration was needed. This plan should result
in an increased vitality of instruction throughout the Indian service.
The acetates might also be used with individual students so that
more than lip service could be paid to the principle of individual
6. A comprehensive booklet might be prepared for teachers regarding
the administration, scoring, use, and interpretation of test results.
The booklet should contain many graphic portrayals of the possible
uses of test data.
7. Experimental testing should be done on an area basis with members
of the testing personnel supervising in such special areas as:
(a) home economics, (b) use of natural resources, (c) personality
tests, (d) attitude tests, (e) use of tools and appliances in the
home, and etc. The results of the tests should be analyzed and
comparisons made by areas to bring forth any general or basic conclusions
regarding Indian education for the future. Research reports in
lay language should be prepared and distributed. The first year,
the Southwest area might be involved in experimental testing. The
next year the Northwest area, and etc.
8. Cognizance of lack of facility with the English language, and
certain other factors should be the basis for statistical comparisons
of Indians in Indian schools with: (a) white children in public
schools, and (b) Indian children in public schools. Comparisons
of achievement with pre-test scores held constant to compensate
for lack of English comprehension on the part of the Indian child,
should be run (analysis of variance and covariance) to determine
whether growth in an area of instruction is less, the same, or
greater, than for white children in the same grades. This should
definitely establish whether or not Indian education is poorer,
as good as, or better than the education provided in public schools.
9. Advisement of children in Indian high schools as to future employment
and education may be facilitated by developing a battery of tests
through an experimental program. For example, the problem of selection
of students for the commercial course at Haskell might be attacked
through this method.
10. Follow-up studies of Indian children graduating from high school
and college should be made to properly evaluate the success of
the program. This might be not unlike that now being conducted
at the Pine Ridge Reservation.
This letter is written with the hope that some of the recommendations
may be carried through for an improved program of Indian education.
We are ready to use our personnel and facilities to this end.
Sincerely yours,
Kenneth E. Anderson,
Professor of Education,
Director, Bureau of Educational Research and Service.
The Intermountain Conference
The conference recommended under (1) in the letter to Dr. Beatty
took place on June 15 and 16, 1951. The following resume of the
conference, written by Mr.
Coombs, describes in some detail the results of the conference.
PLACE: Intermountain Indian School, Brigham City, Utah. DATES: June 15 and 16, 1951. PURPOSE: Planning an evaluation program for Indian education. CONFEREES: Dr. Willard W. Beatty, Chief, Branch of Education, United States Bureau
of Indian Affairs.
Dr. Kenneth E. Anderson, Dr. Gordon Collister and Mr. Carl E. Ladd, consultants
to the program from the University of Kansas Bureau of Educational Research and
Service, and the Guidance Bureau.
Dr. George A. Dale, Earl C. Intolubbe and L. Madison Coombs, Education Specialists,
Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Vernon L. Beggs, George C. Wells, Hildegard Thompson, Louise Wiberg, A. B. Caldwell,
Henry Wall, Bertha Ellinger and Russell Kelley, Area Educationists of the Bureau
of Indian Affairs or their representatives.
William Clasby, Supervisor of Indian Education for the State Department of Education,
William Benham, John Carmody and Albert Hawley also sat in on some of the sessions.
In Dr. Beatty's opening statement to the group, he said that it is necessary
that the Education Branch carry on a continuous program of evaluation in order
to measure its effectiveness in terms of its educational objectives. Findings
coming out of such a program serve as the basis for curriculum building, improvement
of instruction, etc. It also provides objective evidence with which to answer
critics of Indian education when such criticism is inaccurate, unfair or based
on false assumptions or incomplete or distorted data. He pointed out that such
a program has been in effect for some years, first with the help of the University
of Chicago and more recently under the guidance of the University of Kansas and
its Bureaus of Educational Research and Guidance. Currently, he said, this program
of evaluation is concentrating on two particular points:
1. The effectiveness of our school programs for children while in school.
2. Its effectiveness in the longer run; is there an improved way of life at the
post school or adult level for those individuals who have attended Indian schools?
This second type of evaluation is exemplified by the Pine Ridge study now in
progress. A similar study is being projected for the state of Oklahoma. In addition,
the Guidance Bureau of the University of Kansas has been giving tests to Indian
young people who are applicants for either educational loans or admission to
the Haskell Institute Commercial training course, with a view to predicting success
in college, nurses training or post high school vocational training for individuals.
Dr. Beatty also stated that one of our jobs in the near future would be construction
of tests to measure achievement in the minimum essential goals.
Mr. Coombs then pointed out that in evaluating the effectiveness of a school
system it is necessary to have some basis for comparison. Since Indian Service
schools are constantly and inevitably being compared with public schools and
mission schools, the evaluative process should include all three types. He said
he felt that a careful approach to this type of evaluation was essential and
that consideration should be given to:
1. The selection of schools of all three types which were similar to each other
in point of the children enrolled, i. e., cultural and language backgrounds,
geographic, social and economic environment, etc. Cooperative planning with public
and mission school officials would be necessary with a view to all types of schools
deriving benefit from the study.
2. Careful concentration on a selected area for the purpose of acquainting school
personnel at all levels with the purpose of the study, its probable beneficial
outcomes and techniques involved in the administration of tests and the interpretation
of their results. If the conferees agreed with this approach, then the area should
be decided upon.
3. A decision should be reached as to the grade levels at which testing should
be done and the instructional areas in which tests should be given.
Dr. Anderson then stated that as a result of his visit to schools in the Albuquerque,
Window Rock and Phoenix areas last January, it was his belief that such a program
of achievement testing would serve the general administrative purposes which
Dr. Beatty had mentioned earlier and would also serve important educational purposes
at the area, reservation and local school level. For example, by the development
of local grade norms such as for day schools on a certain reservation or boarding
school within a certain area, test results could be made much more meaningful
and useful than by the use of national norms. Test results could then be placed
in the hands of local school personnel and used for diagnosis of individual pupils'
strengths and weaknesses, strengthening of the instructional program, adaptation
of the level of instruction, etc., to mention only a few. He said that one technique
for doing this type of thing would be explained by Dr. Collister a little later
As a result of discussion among the conferees, it was decided that the plan for
an intensified program within one area the first year, as outlined above, was
wise but the area was not definitely decided upon. It was the feeling of the
group that such a first year's program could serve as a pilot study, with procedures
being perfected, but that within the next two or three years, all areas to be
included should be brought into the program to lend integration to the program
and avoid loss of interest.
The conferees felt that testing should begin at the third grade level and extend
through the twelfth with all pupils in all grades in each of the schools included
in the study being tested. It was also agreed that pending the construction of
tests to fit specific needs, it would be necessary to select commercial standardized
tests which would serve our purposes, plus certain tests already constructed
for Indian schools, such as the Use of Resources, Health and Safety, Homemaking
and Nutrition tests. Because of the desirability of using the same instrument
in all areas, it was agreed that testing should largely be concentrated in the
field of the basic skills, namely reading, spelling, language usage and arithmetic,
with the United States Indian Service tests named above being used where applicable.
The general uniformity of educational goals in the area of the basic skills,
in public, mission and Indian Service schools made this seem wise. Selection
of specific instruments was deferred until more data were available upon which
to base the selection of tests. It was agreed that tests should be developed
for the minimum essential goals as soon as possible. Dr. Anderson stressed the
desirability of accomplishing this latter purpose at least partially through
Bureau of Indian Affairs personnel working on the problem as graduate students
at the University of Kansas. Dr. Beatty later indicated that this arrangement
might be possible. It was agreed that testing should be done early in the school
year in order to make possible the fullest use of the data by local school personnel.
It was recognized that numerous testing programs are now being carried on by
schools, reservations and areas. It was Dr. Beatty's feeling that these programs
were not always as productive as they should be and that they should be coordinated
with the larger program or brought up to a higher level of efficiency with the
help of the University of Kansas consultants. I n all cases, it was agreed every
effort should be made to avoid duplication of effort and to minimize dislocation
of the aims of existing testing programs.
At one of the sessions, Dr. Collister demonstrated the technique
of using transparent
acetate "overlays" showing norms referred to earlier in this summary.
These can be placed over individual student profiles or class profiles and provide
a graphic presentation of data for analysis purposes.
In discussing the proposed survey of former enrollees of Oklahoma Indian Service
and public schools, Mr. Dale gave a brief review of the methods used in the Pine
Ridge survey for consideration as a starting point for the Oklahoma survey. The
following proposals and questions were raised:
MR. CLASBY: Proposes using school records from selected schools to establish
a population for the study; or as an alternate, to take selected areas representing
agricultural and industrial sections of the state and working from records of
certain high schools within these areas.
He raises the objection that the interview technique tends to produce a negative
selection, i. e., many of the more successful students leave the state and cannot
be found for interview and will be too busy to answer questionnaires. He is of
the opinion that the questions concerning the effectiveness of schools in general
is related to poor teaching personnel.
MR. CALDWELL: Raises the question that selection at a given grade level prevents
studying the typical enrollee due to the fact that many will already have dropped
out before reaching the grade level selected. He proposes selecting samples at
given chronological age levels.
Mr. Clasby and Mr. Caldwell are willing to participate in this survey and very
generously offered to assist in any way possible in getting the survey started.
DR. COLLISTER: In discussing general procedure and technique of the survey, pointed
out the following: that we are missing a good bet in evaluating the effect of
our schools if we do not ask the former enrollee (graduate or otherwise) what
he thinks of his school experience, for example:
1. What dial you expect to do (what goals) when you left school?
2. To what extent have you realized your goals?
3. To what extent did your school experience help you in realizing
these goals?
4. What are your present goals, etc.?
Sufficiently intensive study of the above should reveal extent of the culturation.
Dr. Collister also pointed out:
1. Records of reasons for drop-outs probably biased because the student frequently
does not give real reason why he dropped out.
2. Student should be asked why he dropped out as he sees the situation now; also
the reason for his dropping out as it existed
at the time he dropped out. Was dropping out due to lack of acceptance by the
group? (Because of being an Indian, because of low economic status, etc.)
DR. ANDERSON: If the study is to yield conclusive application to all of Oklahoma,
all types of schools should be proportionately represented in the samples selected.
Follow each group through high school to find drop-outs anal graduates and secure
data. Investigator should secure:
1. Personal data-age, number of children, etc.
2. Educational data-college graduate, Haskell graduate, how far in school, etc.
3. Employment-how many jobs, what kinds, relation to education, if any-opinion
of enrollee concerning effectiveness of school in preparing for employment.
4. Civic activities-how active as citizen, per cent of participation in community
activities, social and political activities, etc.
5. Recreation-type, extent, relationship to school experience, etc.
6. Socio-economic status-income-indebtedness, insurance, etc.
7. Community status-rating by peers, law violations.
At the final meeting, the recommendations set forth above were presented to Dr.
Beatty and he expressed general agreement with them. He stated that we might
better think of areas in terms of cultural similarities rather than administrative
organization for the present purpose, and proposed the following divisions:
1. Southwest (Pueblo and Phoenix).
2. Window Rock (Navajo and Hopi).
3. Great Plains (Dakota and Mountain).
4. Oklahoma (Muskogee and Anadarko).
5. Alaska.
He felt that the United States Indian Service maintains so few schools, if any,
in the Minneapolis, Portland and Sacramento areas as to make it feasible to omit
them from the present survey program. After taking all factors into consideration,
he proposed that the first study be made in the Southwest Area, (Albuquerque
and Phoenix), beginning in the fall of 1951. The conferees endorsed this proposal
and Mr. Beggs and Mr. Wells tendered all possible help on the study.
Dr. Beatty also advised the group that an effort was being made to free Miss
Mary Mitchell of the Santa Fe Indian School from her present duties in order
that she might devote full time for a six-month period to her research on the
Free Writing Test at Haskell Institute in Lawrence, Kansas. He asked Dr. Anderson
and Dr. Collister if they would be able to advise her in this research and they
indicated they thought it would be possible to do so.
With the understanding that more specific planning must be carried on by the
University consultants and Bureau of Indian Affairs personnel during the summer
and early fall, the conference was adjourned.
The Albuquerque Conference
Since the Intermountain Conference recommended that the new testing program be
conducted in the Southwest, L. Madison Coombs and the University of Kansas consultants
met with the two area educationists and their reservations' principals, supervisors,
and teachers. This conference took place September 13 to September 15, 1951.
In addition, representatives from the public and mission schools were present
since testing was to be done in these schools too.
The fall testing program now in progress in the Southwest will be completed when
the profile sheets for the individual pupils together with various acetate overlays
are in the hands of the classroom teachers. Thus, each teacher should have in
her hands by early in the school year, a picture of the strengths and weaknesses
of each pupil under her supervision. Much should be accomplished in the remaining
six months to consolidate gains and strengthen weaknesses of Indian children
in the basic areas of learning.
Thus, within a period of one year, under the direction of L. Madison Coombs and
the University of Kansas consultants, a complete change in emphasis with regard
to testing has been effected. If the program now under way in the Southwest proves
fruitful, extensions should be made to the other areas as time and personnel
permit. As the findings of this study become both known and applied to Indian
education and as future developments, already in the planning stage, become realities,
the education of Indian boys and girls will definitely prepare them better for
living successfully in society.