Cerosky Charlie By Eddie James 11th
Cerosky Charlie was born September 29, 1914, on the Tolovana River. His parents
were Moses Charlie of Tanacross and Bessie David of Kokrines. Cerosky’s
brothers and sisters are Dorothy Titus, Timothy, Neal Sr., Lige Sr., Charlotte,
Robert, Godfrey, Margaret, and Rita Alexander.
Cerosky is married to Linda Charlie, together they had twelve children: Gloria,
Helen, Gisberg, Pauline, Kenny, Larry, Calvin, Levi, Randy, Eleanor, Bobby,
and Vincent.
Some places of employment were the Alaska Railroad, Yutana Barge Line, fire
fighting, and Linda remembers him working for CCC in Old Minto. All of the old
people worked for CCC making $2 an hour cutting brush.
Cerosky says that he had very little schooling, maybe one year at the most.
He attended school at Old Minto. His real education came from his father who
taught him how to trap and hunt. Trapping became his lifelong passion, he had
been an avid trapper up until five years ago when age began to slow him down.
Just from talking with Cerosky, it is evident that this is something that he
misses and one of his greatest joys to talk about.
“The only thing I did was trapping. Ever since I started to learn about
going out with my father.” Cerosky hunted and trapped year round to provide
for his family.