trips with Elders, parents, teachers, and students set the stage for
cultural heritage learning. Early planning sessions should emphasize
that Elders are teachers both traditionally and today. With that in
mind, classroom teachers need to be prepared to set up situations
that emphasize that theme.
- Travel to historical sites is the focal point of
this project. Seeing old familiar places often encourages Elders to
remember events in the past and provides a setting for students to
help understand traditional stories and put them into a geographic
- The process of setting up camp becomes a lesson in
camps from days gone by and oftentimes stimulates Elders to talk about
past events that have great historical significance. Many Elders have
spent much of their lifetimes in wilderness settings and have skills
that would be envied by most people in today’s fast paced world.
- Camp allows a setting that encourages Elders to evaluate
values and skills that they possess and wish to pass on to the next
generation. The reality is that children today live in a fast changing
world and won’t accept skills and values unless they can see
where those fit into the lifestyle that they want for themselves.
- Ideally camps should provide a gathering place for
the generations. There should be activities for the young, middle
age and Elders to interact, share, and learn from each other.

- Camp provides an opportunity for young people to
learn skills that are still valued in their culture. This would include
living in the woods and having the opportunity to display outdoor
skills in a public arena.
- These camps not only provide opportunities to hear
stories and see places, but they provide the cultural context which
recreates the historical setting. It is a time when Elders, parents,
and students can compare, contrast, and predict how places change
with time. They can discuss how changes in technology, transportation,
and communication have impacted their lives socially, culturally,
and economically.
A1, A3, E3,
E5, E8
A1—4, B3,
B5, B12, C3, D1, D3
A1, B1, B2,
C6, E2
A1, A2, A3,
B2, E2, F3
A1, A2, A5,
B1, B3, C;1, C4, C5, D2, E1, E2, E4, F2, F3, F4