Approximate dollar values are in terms
of Anchorage store prices for similar products if the wild game, fish,
berries or greens were not available.
Harvest data are for a period of several
years. All estimates except salmon made by people of Tuluksak, June 1973.
Salmon estimates from Alaska Depart-ment of Fish and Game.
Big game
prices are based on average price of beef; furbearers, waterfowl, and
game bird prices based
on price per lb. of whole chicken; fish prices based on average price
per lb. of canned salmon or closest equivalent fish. All prices from
Street Safeway Store, Anchorage, and from Swansons and the Northern
Commercial Company stores, Bethel, Feb. 1973. Fresh or frozen food from
outside the
region is not usually sold in village stores; if it is desired, it
must be air-freighted, or transported privately from Bethel.
price based on U.S. Department of Agriculture data showing that Bethel
prices average about
than Anchorage prices. Actual price not available.