Making a collection

Now that you have chosen what you want to collect, get as many different objects of that kink as you can.


Collect different types.
Collect different sizes, colors, shapes.
Collect in different seasons.
Collect from different places. Get advise from elders and others where to look for your collection item.

Store and record

Store them carefully so they are kept well.
Write down the place and date you got each item.


Think of the best way to present your collection.
What do you want people to know about your project?
What do you want them to think?
How will you present your materials?
How will you carry and store your materials so they are safe?

Make a poster board that tells people:

It might look like this:
Why you were interested in your collection.
How you organized and collected.
What you collected
Your name, 
grade and 
What you learned.
Pictures of science fair projects in the past  Scoring rubrics for collections