These pictures are of my family. Some of these pictures are of my great grandparents John and Anna Elia and my grandparents, Elena and Nicholai Sergie. Some pictures are of my mom, Amy Vaughn, my uncles Elia and Sergie Sergie and my aunties Mary Jenny, Edna, and Agatha Sergie.  Most of these pictures show events taken place here in Lower Kalskag like ice fishing, cross country running, getting wood, berry picking, fishing at the fish camp, making a boat, Slavic, Yup’ik dancing, going for boat rides, dog sledding, and family gatherings. I hope that you enjoy the pictures that I shared with you of my family. - Angelina Hapoff
Sergie Collection
                                             Images courtesy of Elena Sergie
Great grandma Anna Elia
Great grandma Amy Sergie
Great grandma Anna Elia
Great uppa John Elia
Agatha & Elia Apatale
Great great grandparents The Valkas
Great grandmas
Great great grandparents & children
My uppa’s mom and sisters
Grandparents Nicholai and Elena Sergie
left to right: Agatha, Jenny, and Sergie
Elias Wise
left to right: Sinka Williams, Elena Sergie, and John Sergie
Grandma's Family
Grandparents group
John Elia and kids
My grandmas group
My grandparents
Lucy Beaver
My grandmas
My grandparents - kitchen
My aunties & uncle
Nakita & Eva
Nicholai Elia
Auntie Mary Jenny Sergie
Sinka & Ida Williams
Uppa's boat
Uppa & Gregory
Family boat ride
My mom boat riding
Great grandma & Grandma
Family berry picking
Great grandma berry picking
Great grandma Helen eating
Great grandma Helen
Sergie & Elia
Uppa's catch king salmon
Sergie fishing
Family cleaning fish
Eva cooking fish
Elena & kids at the fish camp
Edna Sergie ice fishing
Olga Evan ice fishing
Edna & Sergie Sergie getting wood
Uppa Nicholai Sergie going home with wood
Uppas Nicholai & John going back home
Edna & Eva Sergie help build house
Grandma Elena by her house
My uppa Nicholai inside the house
Great grandma Anna Yup’ik dancing
Great grandma  Anna Yup’ik dancing
Sergie in cross country
Edna in cross country
Elia slavic time
Great great uppa John Elia in dog sled