community input
To: Families and The Community
    Ms. Dzieweczynski's 3rd and 5th period classes would like to inform you that we are creating a museum "web page" about the history of Upper and Lower Kalskag. We would like to ask the community to provide any information about the history of both villages.
    We would also like to interview people who are willing to give information to us and to display any old artifacts plus pictures that you might have in possession. Would you be willing to help us with Ideas that you would like to see in the museum "web page"?
    On the separate sheet of paper please write down any ideas that you might have. Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you soon.
                              Ms. Dziewecznski's
                               3rd and 5th period classes
Letter to the community Keep out Collaboratively, students wrote and distributed a letter to the community.