Rural Villagers Coping with Death
Author: Hank Aloysius
        When someone passes away in Kalskag, it seems as if it concerns everybody, especially if it is someone well known to the village. Death in Kalskag has a big impact on the people of Kalskag, since this village is a small rural Alaskan village located on the north shore in the middle of the Kuskokwim River. In Kalskag, everybody seems to know each other. If the person who passed away has family at another village, they come all the way to Kalskag just to pay their respects for their lost.
    Everybody helps out the family during an event of a person's death in Kalskag. They help out by: being there for the family of the deceased, giving food to the family, digging/burying the grave, building a coffin for the dead person, or donating food, presents, or money. People help out each other in Kalskag because they think the people will do the same for them when they pass away. Donating things like gifts or food, or even time to spend with the family who are mourning for their lost.  
    Death is a serious thing in Kalskag because everybody knows each other; almost everyone in Kalskag is related to each other. Some people do anything to help out for the family because of what they’re going through being sad, mad or guilty. No matter how the family members feel, the people are always there for them to ease their pains.