Author:  Stephanie K. Hoffman

Back in the day, around 1970, the villages of Upper and Lower Kalskag had, and still have a whole bunch of things to do for entertainment. There were dances, potlucks, movies, a soda shop, eel hunting, making long tunnels, and all those games with a ball.
Both villages of Upper and Lower Kalskag would have dances at the Upper town hall, where the whole village participated. The kids would go there with their parents, and dance until they got tired or it was just too late.
At the end of the school year there’s always a potluck, were everyone comes and eats. The school and village would sponsor movies for $0.50 to raise money for the school. 
Paul Kameroff used to have a soda shop with a pool table and a jukebox. It was just a place to hang out and have fun. He would sell gum for $0.01, pop for $0.25, and candy for $0.01-$0.25.
 Then when winter came, there would be people drilling holes all over the river, especially on the sides. The whole village would be on the river with their gas lamps at night with their long sticks with a nail on the end of it, because that’s when the Eels were passing by or just so people could go manaqing (Ice Fishing). They would be dipping until it’s too late or they have enough eels.
During those years, the village of Upper would be covered with 10 feet of snow.  So the older kids built tunnels running from Aleck Aloysius’s house (The Old Post Office) to the upper school. The kids would play in tunnels all day.
Then when it was summer, all the kids would meet up by the school and play all those games that you use a ball. Like bat the ball, tag, auntie I over, red rover, kick the can, and just play on the swing, teeter totters, or merry-go-round.
Then when it was time to go home they would know, because around 9 p.m the school bell would ring telling them it was time to go, because curfew just started.