The Steamhouse

Author:  Tenille Ausdahl

People in the city call them saunas, we call them steam houses or maqiviks. They are just like a sauna, but they don’t wash in the sauna. They are also built differently. The sauna can hold a lot of people and the Maqivik can hold only up to a number of people.
   Most people think taking a steam is better than taking a shower and it actually is. The steam cleans out your pores and makes your skin soft. You just sit in the sauna and it will make you relaxed.
   We use a dipper or a small pot to pour water on the rocks and a basin to wash our hair and body. Before we wash we let it get really hot in the steam house.   
   When someone is sick the natural remedy is just take a steam and it will make you feel better by cleaning out your insides.