The following is a list of people interviewed for this study.

Dr. Ray Barnhardt, Director, Cross-Cultural Studies, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska

Dr. David Beaulieu, Director of the Office of Indian Education, U. S. Department of Education, Washington, D. C.

Michael Begaye, Program Coordinator of American Indian Student Services, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Sandy Calderian, Indian Studies Tutor, Klatt Elementary School, Anchorage, Alaska

Carol Daniels, Education Director, Metlakatla Indian Community, Metlakatla, Alaska

JoAnn Ducharme, Director, Rural Student Services, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska

Laurie Evans-Dinneen, Education Director, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Anchorage, Alaska

Gia Hanna, Education Director, NANA Regional Corporation, Kotzebue, Alaska

Frank Hill, Co-Director, Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative, Anchorage, Alaska

Dr. Shirley Holloway, Commissioner, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Anchorage, Alaska

Greg Maloney, Special Education, Division of Teaching and Learning Support, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, Alaska

Dr. Michael Pavel, Associate Professor of Higher Education, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington

Olga Pestrikoff, Program Specialist, Native Village of Afognak Tribal Council, Kodiak, Alaska

Dr. Jon Reyhner, Associate Professor, Educational Specialties, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona

Sarah Scanlan, Workplace Development Consultant, Anchorage, Alaska

Dr. Bernice Tetpon, Program Coordinator, Rural Native Education Liaison, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, Alaska

Beverly Williams, Coordinator, Bilingual Curriculum, Lower Kuskokwim School District, Bethel, Alaska

David Williams, Retired Director of Kuskokwim Community College, Anchorage, Alaska


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