Alaska Natives face many challenges in educational performance, attainment, and opportunities. In an effort to understand Alaska Natives 'perspective on these issues, the First Alaskans Foundation embarked on an eight-month research project of Alaska Natives 'attitudes and values toward education. The First Alaskans Foundation is a nonprofit organization created by the Alaska Federation of Natives, to influence positive changes in the lives of Alaska Native people. The Foundation engaged the Alaska research-based consulting firm McDowell Group, Inc. to conduct a four-phase study of Native education in 2001.

This summary section outlines the methodology used in the four research components and summarizes the trends found in that research. Following this summary, this document contains complete detailed reports on the results of each component.


The multiple-phase project included secondary research, key informant interviews, a household survey, and focus group discussions. This multi-method approach provided a more holistic analysis than a single method. The four reports contained in this full document are:

Return to the Alaska Native Education Study: A Summary of Research

Return to the McDowell Final Report

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