Board of Directors Andy Hope Administration Ted Wright, Interim President Elder Advisors Joe Hotch Contact (907) 586-1625 |
Whereas: In the spring of 1996, The Southeast Alaska Native Rural Education Consortium (SEANREC) Elders Council organized to provide guidance to the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative and the Alaska Rural Challenge projects, and Whereas: In February 1997, the SEANREC Elders Council adopted a resolution calling for creation of a tribal college and tribal charter school, and Whereas: In February 1999, draft by-laws for Southeast Alaska Tribal College were adopted by the Southeast Alaska Native Rural Education Consortium Elders Council, and Whereas: In the spring of 1999, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Central Council) expressed its intent to withdraw from CANHE, which would have ended the tribal college planning project in SE AK. Representatives of the SEANREC Elders Council (John Hope, Marie Olson and Jim Walton) attended the late April/early May CANHE meeting in Juneau. The Elders expressed frustration at Central Council administration of the Kellogg and AKRSI funding for the tribal college planning project and requested that funding be retained for SEATC, regardless of the intentions of CCTHITA, and Whereas: In May 1999, SEATC Interim Trustees were appointed by the SEANREC Elders Council, and Whereas: In September 1999, following the Kiks.ádi Pole Raising Ceremony in Sitka, a presentation was made by interim trustees John Hope and Jim Walton, after which 200 Clan and Clan House leaders signed a resolution endorsing the Tribal College Planning Project, and Whereas: In October 1999, the SEATC Interim Trustees met with Archie Cavanaugh to discuss concerns about the lack of coordination by the Central Council. Following this meeting, John Hope drafted a resolution expressing SEATC Interim Trustees concerns about the Central Council's administration of the tribal college planning project, a resolution for consideration at the November ANB/ANS Grand Camp Convention in Ketchikan. John Hope gave Andy Hope a copy of the draft resolution, one hour before he passed away in an automobile accident on October 6, 1999, and Whereas: In the Fall of 2001, the SEATC formally organized. Nine Southeast Alaska Tribes (Organized Village of Saxman, Ketchikan Indian Corporation, Wrangell Cooperative Association, Sitka Tribe of Alaska, Angoon Community Association, Chilkat Indian Village, Petersburg Indian Association, Central Council of Tlingit and, Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, and Douglas Indian Association) adopted resolutions approving the SEATC by-laws and authorized the appointment of a board of trustees. In the newly approved by-laws, the SEANREC Elders Council was institutionalized as the SEATC Elders Council, with the following members: Arnold Booth, Metlakatla; Isabella Brady, Sitka; Nora Dauenhauer, Douglas; Dennis Demmert, Sitka; Lydia George, Angoon; Joe Hotch, Haines; Charles Natkong, Sr., Hydaburg; Marie Olson, Auke Bay; Gil Truitt, Sitka; Jim Walton, Juneau. At this meeting, the SEATC Elders Council adopted the mission statement for SEATC: "Yaakoosgé Daakakóogu: The Box of Knowledge that will be opened when people come to this college". Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Southeast Alaska Tribal College Elders Council, hereby reaffirms its long standing commitment to, and support for, a fully independent tribal college and the SEATC Trustees, Be it further resolved, that the SEATC Elders Council hereby calls on all tribes, tribal leaders, business leaders, Native people and supporters of Native education to ensure that the box of knowledge is fully shielded from political influence and patronage. Arnold
Booth |