
Feet. What is the weight/surface-area-of-foot ratio of different land animals?  Is there a relationship between predators and prey?
Powerlines. Why do birds like to sit on powerlines? Warmth? Vibrations? See predators? Are you sure? How could you test this or conclude thru observation.
Fur. Collect some caribou and moose hair. What is the difference between these hairs and beaver or otter hair? People say that caribou hair is hollow. Is it? What is the difference between caribou hairs in different seasons? What is the difference between the guard hairs and the under hairs on a beaver? Which part of a moose or caribou have the toughest fur? The thickest fur? Why?
Birdseed. What kind of birdseed do the birds in your area prefer? What is the best location, height and situation for a birdfeeder? Experiment with ways to keep the squirrels out.
Cranes & little birds. Old timers say that the little birds fly up to the cranes and hide in a hollow place under the cranes' wings as the cranes circle the tundra in the fall. The cranes carry the little birds to the lower 48 and back again in the spring. To my knowledge, this has never been researched. It would be fascinating to see to what extent this is true.
Bedding for dogs.What is the effect of (straw) bedding on sled dogs. Estimate how much dogfeed is saved by using grass or straw bedding for dogs.
Moose/caribou joints. Collect some of the liquid that is present in the knee and ankle joints of a caribou or moose. What is the freezing point of that fluid? Test the friction of the joint with and without this fluid. Is the fluid soluble in water or oil? Why doesn't it freeze in severe cold temperatures?
Parasites. What parasites afflict caribou and moose? Is there any danger for people who eat these animals? Which body parts are more apt to have those parasites? How are the parasites destroyed to make the body parts edible? Can you find parasites under a microscope?
Beaver fever. What is "beaver fever"? Where did it come from? When? Is it impacting our animals? If so, is there a natural cure? What will the long term effects be on the animal population? What effect does beaver fever have on humans? What is the human antidote?
Wolves. Old timers used to make a "roarer" to drive off wolves. What was the traditional implement in your area?  How did it make sound?
Tracks. How can you tell which way an animal is going from old tracks in the snow?
I have an idea now. 
How do I present my experiment? Go.
I don't have an idea yet. 
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