
Boots. Mukluks vs. Bunny (VB) boots.  They are so different, yet both are exceed-ingly effective in cold weather. Compare and contrast their effectiveness. How do these differences parallel traditional sod houses and modern houses with insulation and a vapor barrier?
Sinew. What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional sinew used for thread compared with commercial threads and dental floss? Is it easier to work the sinew if it is held together by beeswax?  What was traditionally used before beeswax?
Tanning. What is the ph of traditional tanning solutions? How does this compare with modern tanning techniques? In traditional tanning, the urine of men was used, but not the urine of women. Is there a difference in the ph of men's urine and women's? Why? Can this also be a factor of diet?
Water boots. What type of stitches did the old timers use for water boots and skin boats that they didn't leak?  How does sinew compare in strength with modern sewing materials?
Liners. Which is better, grass liners or felt insoles?  What are the advantages of each?
Frost on ruffs? Why don't wolf and wolverine ruffs frost like other furs?  Why do men's beards frost easily?  Compare with microscopic in-spection and other tests.
Insulating values. What are the insulating values of different furs?
Windbreak. What clothing materials act as the best windbreak?  How do modern ma-terials compare with traditional furs?
Tanning.  What percentage of traditional tanning softness comes from chemical breakdown of the fibers, and what percentage comes from physical breakdown of the fibers?