
Peeling spruce trees. Spruce trees peel more easily in some months than others. What are these months, and why are they easier peeling? How can you prevent mildew on the logs once they are peeled?
Grain of wood. Poles with the complete grain of the tree are stronger than wood cut from a section of a tree. Test the strength of a pole compared with a piece of lumber of similar size. Which is stronger under stress?
Lashing baskets. Which roots are better/stronger for lashing baskets/fish traps? Wil-low, spruce, cottonwood? Is there a difference among the roots of each species? Might one root be good for the first year, but decompose before the second year of use? Are there any modern materials that might be as good for lashing fishtraps?
Medicines. Which plants were used for medicines in your area?
Color dyes. Which plants were used for dyes?
Insects. What were the traditional ways of repelling insects?
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