Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects

Here are images of past projects. While the writing and most headings are not clear, you can get an idea what a good project looks like. Apologies to students who had good projects whose pictures are not shown. All of our photos didn't turn out well.
Note the graphs and charts. Look at the organization of the poster boards. Notice the attention given to appearance.

Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair ProjectsPictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects
Pictures of Past Science Fair Projects