Scoring rubrics for demonstrations

These scoring rubrics will be used in the ANSES State Science Fair.
Similar ones will be used in local fairs.
Western Science Judges' rubric:
(Elders' rubric below)
Demonstration The student has done a demonstration but has not connected the process to science. There isn't agood understanding of the "how and why" of the project.

Poorly done.  
Score 2 

The student understands the project and has made some connection to the scientific principles involved. 

Well done.  
Score 6

The student has identified the science principles involved in the demonstration. He/she has shown clear and thorough knowledge of how and why the demonstration operates. 

Exceptionally well done. Score 10

For the criteria  below: Poorly done  
score 1
Well done  
score 3
Exceptionally well done  
Score 5
Data The data is somewhat disorganized. Difficult for reader to understand the results.  
Data was collected but not enough for conclusive results.
The data is organized and tells the reader what happened. 
Enough data was collected to make adequate conclusions.
The data is overtly organized and displayed in several ways including graphs and charts. 
There was enough data for conclusive results.
Creativity and originality This project has been done before and shows no deviation from the past. The project might have been done before, but shows insightful adaptations with original approaches.  This project combines western and traditional science in a fresh way. The questions asked, methods used, and conclusions drawn are freshly insightful. 
Presentation  Speech is too soft. Presenter lacks confidence, knowledge of subject and enthusiasm. Speech, confidence, knowledge and enthusiasm are adequate. Speech, confidence, knowledge and enthusiasm are inspirational.
Conclusions No connection is made between the question, hypothesis, & data collection. 
A vague reference is made as to how this project could be improved. 
Conclusions are clearly  stated.  
An adequate description is made as to how this project could be improved.
The student has made insighful connections between the question, hypothesis, and data collection. 
Appearance  More work is needed to make the display neat.  The information is displayed clearly and neatly. The project commands attention, is extremely neat and easy to read. 
Use of materials  Materials used were not appropriate and/or safe.  Materials were used appropriately. Materials were used appropriately and creatively. 
Elders Rubric
The presentation by the student and display of his/her project maintains the cultural values of his/her area.
Needs more work
Score 1
Score 3
Score 5
The student's work is well done. The project is organized and attractive. It shows good thought. The presentation is clear and confident. 
Needs more work
Score 1
Score 3
Score 5
The project is a study  of something that is 
important to the land, village/community, 
and culture
Needs more work
Score 1
Score 3
Score 5
There is evidence that the student consulted with one ormore community elders, local experts and other cultural resources. 
Needs more work
Score 1
Score 3
Score 5
