Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum

Appendix block
AKRSI Unit Building Assessment Rubric


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Cultural Relevance

How well does the unit examine topics of cultural significance, involve cultural experts and address cultural standards?

Cultural significance unclear or absent. Cultural knowledge is suggested or implied. Cultural knowledge is apparent. Cultural knowledge is prominent and insightfully explored.
Involvement of cultural experts not mentioned. Role of cultural experts unclear. Cultural experts involved. Cultural experts are a significant and critical part of unit implementation.
Cultural values, skills and standards not identified. Cultural values, skills and standards suggested or implied. Cultural values, skills and standards identified. Cultural values, skills and standards clearly identified and tied closely to and readily accomplished by lessons.

Standards Based

How well does the unit identify an appropriate number of state math or science standards; describe specifically what is to be learned about those standards; and provide an adequate number of properly sequenced opportunities that lead students to a deeper understanding of the standards?

Standards not identified. Standards identified but inappropriate. Appropriate standards identified. Appropriate number of standards identified and specifically tied to unit.
Skills and/or knowledge to be gained not identified Skills and/or knowledge to be gained are identified but not relevant to standards chosen. Skills and knowledge to be gained are identified. The specific content and skills to be learned are clearly identified, age-appropriate and clearly tied to standards.
Lesson activities not described. Activities don’t address standards or are described inadequately to ascertain targeted skills and knowledge. Includes an adequate number of appropriate activities. Activities thoroughly explained and properly sequenced to allow for development of skills and knowledge (standards).

Best Practices

How well does the unit incorporate strategies which: focus on student understanding and use of scientific knowledge, ideas and inquiry process; guide students in active and extended scientific inquiry; and support a classroom community with cooperation, shared responsibility, and respect?

Teaching strategies unclear or not described. Teaching strategies do not attend to student understanding and use of knowledge and skills. Strategies include some attention to student understanding and use of knowledge, ideas and inquiry processes. Strategies directly target student understanding and use of knowledge, ideas and inquiry processes (conceptual understanding and skill development).
Teaching strategies unclear or not described. Strategies do not engage students in active investigations. Activities include some active student investigation. Teachers guides student in active and extended inquiry by provision of appropriately sequenced student investigations and use of questioning strategies to elicit concept.
Teaching strategies unclear or not described. Teacher maintains responsibility and authority for learning. Some evidence of shared responsibility for learning. Responsibility for learning is shared with students by teacher acting as a facilitator and creating a classroom community of cooperation and respect


How well does the unit engage in ongoing assessment of : student understanding of highly valued, well-structured knowledge; student skill development and reasoning ability; diverse representations of understanding

Assessment not described. Students tested at end of unit on factual understanding that can be easily measured. Assessment of deep scientific, mathematical, or cultural understandings or skill development is absent. Some evidence of ongoing assessment to determine what students know and are able to do. Students assessed throughout unit as a guide to instructional choices. Assessments tap deeper cultural, scientific and mathematical, understanding, reasoning and skill development tied to standards. Diverse representations of understanding encouraged.

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