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Publisher: Lower Kuskokwim School District, Third Printing 2000
First Published 1981ISBN # 81-81640
General Editors Edward A.Tennant at the time of publication is listed as Executive Director of Educational Research Associates, Inc. in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Joseph N. Bitar (no information is listed).

The Yup'ik Lore stories were transcribed, translated, and edited by several hard-working people whose names are listed in the acknowledgements. The "real" authors are the Elders and community members who willingly shared this information with high school student who were enrolled in the Cultural Heritage Program with the Lower Kuskokwim School District .

Grade Level:

Middle and High School


Quliraq / Traditional Yup'ik Legends, Family Teaching and Common Sense; History and Customs,

Status: Recommended


This book is written both in Yup'ik and English and shares many insights into the Yup'ik people. It comes with high recommendation and should be used in a cultural class or a Yup'ik language class. There are six different themes beginning with nine short stories - this section is a mixture of Yup'ik historical accounts of personal and mythical events. The next section is entitled " Eskimo History and Customs" which includes twelve narratives that address Yup'ik history and customs. This is followed with seven narratives on the "Eskimo Family Teachings and Common Sense" and eight narratives on "Eskimo Know-how." "Yup'ik Fables" were addressed in two narratives and "Myths and Legends" were presented in twelve narratives. The use of "Eskimo" is improper as they are writing narratives shared by Yup'ik people, and some narratives overlap while others are misplaced.

Season: All

Suggested Teaching Topics

  • Yup'ik Language Class
  • Culture Class
  • History or region

A list of reviewers may be found at:

» HAIL Book Reviews

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