Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 05:29 am

Site: ANKN Resources
Course: Introduction to Atkan Aleut Grammar and Lexicon (Atkan Aleut)
Glossary: Atkan Aleut Lexicon



Atkan spelling:
Chuxchas su}ana{taa}an aqadix qigukus. :
Eskimos gather and put away their carving material.


Atkan spelling:
chux̂tachx̂il :
let or make wear

Atkan spelling:
chux̂tal :

Atkan spelling:
Chux̂taqaning isxanakuq.:
I changed my clothes.

Atkan spelling:
chux̂taqas :

Atkan spelling:
Chux̂taqas chidgil ax̂takus. :
The clothing is hanging loose on the line.

Atkan spelling:
Chux̂taqas tugiidam kugan inkakus. :
The clothes are hanging on the clothesline.

Atkan spelling:
Chuyung kugan chitx̂udgix̂ akux̂. :
There is a boil on my skin.

Atkan spelling:
Chuyuu chidĝikux̂. :
His arm is blue.br>

Atkan spelling:
Chuyuum daĝan tahmiigasis chux̂takux̂. :
He is wearing arm bands on his arm.