Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 06:00 am

Site: ANKN Resources
Course: Songs and Legends - Oral History Program UAF (Songs & Legends)
Glossary: Search the Songs and Legends - Oral History Program UAF


(Holy Cross) Savage, Miska: English. Title: Songs; Masked dance. Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H9112330
(Holy Cross) Demientieff, Frances: English. Title: Songs; Masked dance. Subject: Songs, dances.

Ref. cut: H9112330
(Grayling) Nicholas, Nick: Ingalik, Holikachuk and English. Title: Songs; Olga autobiography; Mbuse story; Bell autobiography; Anvik song; Beautiful boy. Subject: Songs, traditional living, stories, children.

Ref. cut: H9112341
(Grayling) Deacon, Belle: Ingalik, Holikachuk and English. Title: Songs; Olga autobiography; Mbuse story; Bell autobiography; Anvik song; Beautiful boy. Subject: Songs, traditional living, stories, children.

Ref. cut: H9112341
(Grayling) Deacon, Olga: Ingalik, Holikachuk and English. Title: Songs; Olga autobiography; Mbuse story; Bell autobiography; Anvik song; Beautiful boy. Subject: Songs, traditional living, stories, children.

Ref. cut: H9112341
(Huslia) Chief Henry: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Songs; Woman who killed another woman over her husband; Woman who went berry picking. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112268
(Huslia) Henry, Bessie: Koyukon Athabascan. Title: Songs; Woman who killed another woman over her husband; Woman who went berry picking. Subject: Stories, women, marriage.

Ref. cut: H9112268
(Nulato) Joe, Martha: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277
(Nulato) Stickman, Edna: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277
(Nulato) Saunders, Tassie: Koyukon. Title: Speeches during potlatch; Singing. Subject: Potlatch, songs.

Ref. cut: H9112277