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Clangula hyemalis

Aanglaa}i{ - Clangula hyemalis

Aanglaa}i{ ala}um saa aku{, sam quhma{ ama qaxchikda{ angali{taa aza{. Hagumatakus hasinal txidix as haang taga{tal asxuunulax iga{takus uku}azas. Aanglaa}im hiiyukaa adulaka}im qaxchikdal ama uluudam angalidigaa angali{taza{. Aanglaa}im ali}ingis hitxingis adul ama chutxidigana{ liidazas, hawakus amtatum ali}ingis hitxi{tanangis liidaguzas hitxitamazas. Aanglaa}im ayagangis hitxingis aduza}ulas.

Aangla}is agiichigaan sakang saakaatxan ala}um ilan akus uku}azas, hagumatakus sam chla}migiitungis azas. An}a}inas mayaa{tal agungis sakang aIa}um ilan al chla}mixs agungis, hamang ala}um ilan chla{s agungis ay{aasi}iisal hadan huyal hnul qasanangis mataasal kalul lazangis, hagumatakus sakucham as{aatu}ulangis azas. Ala}um sangis malganangis ilagaan

hitmilgangis haada{tazas, hanim sangis ilagaan hakangis amninaa{tazas.

Udaan ahmi}an al qanagnas agudix qanikinga masxal aguun chugaanul ilagaan hawaa}aqamdix hadan huyaa}utazas. Saaqudikinga masxaa}utal aguun udaa}aa}utazas. Tunul agudix, "Haagal angaliq. Haagal angaliq." Hi{taaguzana{ liidazas.

Oldsquaw - Clangula hyemalis

The oldsquaw duck is a saltwater duck. The feathers are black and white in color. They are sometimes seen on water in big flocks. They are in big flocks too when they are flying. The oldsquaw duck has a short beak. The beak is black and pink. Like the drake for the pintail, the drake oldsquaw has a sharp long tail. The hen, on the other hand, does not have a long tail.

Sometimes the oldsquaw ducks are found in great numbers out at sea. They are divers and they do a lot of diving. The way to catch them is to approach them with a boat when they are diving. When they surface, they are shot. They are very strong, and they are hard to kill.

Among the saltwater ducks, the oldsquaw is one of those that is easier to pluck. They are still harder to pluck, however, than the freshwater ducks.

The oldsquaw ducks spend the winters around this areas and come spring, they go back north where they come from. They again return here during the fall.

When the oldsquaw duck is quacking, it sounds like it is saying, "Haagal angaliq. Haagal angaliq." This means in Aleut "I was hungry today."

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