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Aleut RavenAt{am Sangis
Atkan Birds

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Rissa tridactyla

Tiigilgaada{ - Rissa tridactyla

Tiigilgaada{, sluka{ liidam sa}akuchanaa aku{, slukam ilagaan chuqudaza{ ama tunuu ila{taa itxa{taa}utaza{. Tiigilgaadas udang liisnaza}ulas, slum aslaan uhlii haang iga{tal qakuchas qakus uku}azas. Udang al slunas agudix, saaqudikinga masxal aguun chugaanul uku}aqadazas.

Haang ala}um achidan qakuchas qakus uku}azas. Slum aslaan hakang ala}um qusan iga{tana{ liidal angali{ aguun, qa{ ukumasuguum hakaax itna{ liidal ala}um ilan chla}na{ aguun, qakucha{ kixtal kuu}aza{.

Tiigilgaada{ uku}al aguun, hakangis quhmal ama quuhmliix angali{taza{, aku{ igasigan chuqikix hakangis qaxchikdazas, ama kitakix ila{tangis qaxchikdazas.

Slum aslaan saahmla}il agungis, isxangis qahngum qakangis ilagaan agu}izas. Hagumatal iganas ilan agacha saahmla}izas. Slum ilan tiigilgaada{ alax saahmlax aguza{. Saahmlakix chid}aayuna{ liidaku{ tu{ila}izax.

Black-legged Kittiwake - Rissa tridactyla

The Kittiwake is a bird similar to a gull, but it differs by its size and its sound. Kittiwakes are kind of rare here. They are seen only during the summer feeding on small fish. The Kittiwakes spend their time here only during the summer. When fall comes, they head back south for the winter.

The Kittiwakes are seen feeding on small fish near the beach during the summer. They can also be seen flying up in the air, and all of a sudden, you will see them fall out of the sky into the water just to come up with a fish in their beaks.

When a Kittiwake is seen, its feathers are white and grayish in color, and its wing tip feathers and legs are black.

Kittiwakes don't nest around here but they make a nest of seaweed on the ledge of the sea cliff. Their eggs are spotted. Each female lays two eggs.

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