curriculum meets and exceeds Alaska Content standards with rich and rigorous
variety. The standards are noted at the beginning of each of the five
sections of the curriculum (pages 15, 27-28, 42, 61, and 74). Intended
as a multi-disciplinary unit, the direction for this curriculum was however,
specifically focused. As stated in the Overview the emphasis is on traditional
knowledge of the Unangan/Unangas. The curriculum is designed to
pull students into the world of science by introducing them to local plants,
associated with their names in Unangam tunuu.
following written standards are some of the Alaska State Content standards
covered in Unangam Hitnisangin/Unangam Hitnisangis/Aleut Plants: a
region-based plant curriculum for grades 4-6.
oral and written exercise embedded throughout the curriculum require the
student to meet Standards for English/ Language Arts.
B. A student should be
a competent and thoughtful reader, listener, and viewer of literature,
technical materials and a variety of other information.
B-3. relating what the student views,
reads, and hears to practical purposes in the student’s own life,
to the world outside, and to other texts and experiences.
C. A student should be
able to identify and select from multiple strategies in order to complete
projects independently and cooperatively.
C-1. make choices about a project
after examining a range of possibilities;
C-2. organize a project by
• understanding directions;
• making and keeping deadlines; and
• seeking, selecting, and using relevant resources;
C-3. select and use appropriate decision-making processes;
C-4. set high standards for project quality; and
C-5. when working on a collaborative project,
• take responsibility for individual contributions
to the project;
• share ideas and workloads;
• incorporate individual talents and perspectives;
• work effectively with others as an active participant
and as a responsive audience; and
• evaluate the processes and work of self and others.
D. A student should be
able to think logically and reflectively in order to present and explain
positions based on relevant and reliable information.
D-1. develop a position by
• reflecting on personal experiences, prior knowledge,
and new information;
• formulating and refining questions;
• identifying a variety of pertinent sources of information;
• analyzing and synthesizing information;
D-2. evaluate the validity, objectivity, reliability, and quality of
information read, heard, and seen;
D-3. give credit and cite references as appropriate; and
D-4. explain and defend a position orally, in writing, and with visual
aids as appropriate.
E-1 A student should
understand and respect the perspectives of others in order to communicate
effectively. and should use information, both oral and written, and literature
of many types and cultures to understand self and others;
many experiments and observations activities in this curriculum call on
the student to:
meet these standards in mathematics:
A. A student should understand
mathematical facts, concepts, principles, and theories.
A-2. select and use appropriate
systems, units, and tools of measurement, including estimation;
A-3. perform basic arithmetic functions, make reasoned estimates, and
select and use appropriate methods or tools for computations or estimation;
A-6. collect, organize, analyze, interpret, represent and formulate
questions about data and make reasonable and useful predictions about
the certainty, uncertainty, or impossibility of an event.
B. A student should understand
and be able to select and use a variety of problem-solving strategies.
B-1. use computational methods and
appropriate technology as problem-solving tools.
E. A student should be
able to apply mathematical concepts and processes to situations within
and outside of school.
E-2 Use mathematics in daily life;
E-3 use mathematics in other curriculum areas.
its emphasis on plants and the blend of traditional knowledge and western
science, the curriculum emphasizes these science standards:
understand models describing the nature of molecules, atoms and sub-atomic
particles and the relation of the models to the structure and behaviors
of matter;
A-9. understand the transfers and transformations of matter and energy
that link living things and their physical environment, or molecules to
ecosystems (Flow of Matter and Energy);
A-10. understand that living things are made up mostly of cells and that
all life processes occur in cells (Cells);
A-11. understand that similar features are passed on by genes through
reproduction (Heredity);
12. distinguish the patterns of similarity and differences in the living
world in order to understand the diversity of life and understand the
theories that describe the importance of diversity for species and ecosystems
A-14. understand
a. the interdependence between living things and their environments (Interdependence);
b. that the living environment consists of individuals, populations, and
communities (Interdependence); and
c. that a small change in a portion of an environment may affect the entire
environment (Interdependence);
A-15. use science to understand and describe the local environment (Local
B. A student should possess
and understand the skills of scientific inquiry.
B-1. use the processes of science;
these processes include observing, classifying, measuring, interpreting
data, inferring, communicating, controlling variables, developing models
and theories, hypothesizing, predicting, and experimenting;
C. A student should understand
the nature and history of science.
C-1 Know how the words “fact,”
“observation,” “concept,” “principle,”
“law,” and “theory” are generally used in the scientific
C-3. understand that society, culture, history, and environment affect
the development of scientific knowledge;
C-4. understand that some personal and societal beliefs accept non-scientific
methods for validating knowledge;
C-5. understand that sharing scientific discoveries is important to
influencing individuals and society and in advancing scientific knowledge.
A student who meets the content standard should apply scientific knowledge
and skills to understand issues and everyday events.
use of the Unangam tunuu ties in these World Languages standards:
B. A student should expand
the student’s knowledge of peoples and cultures through language
B-1. A student who meets the content
standard should: understand the relationship between language and culture;
B-3. learn about and experience deep characteristics of the culture,
including folkways, mores, laws, traditions, customs, and patterns of
B-4. improve the student’s understanding of the student’s
language and culture through experiences with other languages and cultures;
B-6. recognize through language study that all cultures contribute to
the global society.
C-4. apply language skills
and cultural knowledge to enhance the student’s intellectual and
social growth and to promote life-long learning.
will be relying on technology throughout
this study:
A. A student should be
able to operate technology-based tools.
A-1. use a computer to enter and
retrieve information;
A-3. use local and world-wide networks.
focus on the traditional knowledge of the Unangan/Unangas meets
and exceeds these Cultural Standards:
A. Culturally-knowledgeable
students are well grounded in the cultural heritage and traditions of
their community.
A-3. acquire and pass on the traditions
of their community through oral and written history;
A-4. practice their traditional responsibilities to the surrounding
A-5. reflect through their own actions the critical role that the local
heritage plays in fostering a sense of who they are and how they understand
the world around them;
A-6. live in accordance with the cultural values and traditions of the
local community and integrate them into their everyday behavior.
B. Culturally-knowledgeable
students are able to build on the knowledge and skills of the local cultural
community as a foundation from which to achieve personal and academic
success throughout life.
B-1. acquire insights from other
cultures without diminishing the integrity of their own.
B-2. make effective use of the knowledge, skills, and ways of knowing
from their own cultural traditions to learn about the larger world in
which they live.
C. Culturally-knowledgeable
students are able to actively participate in various cultural environments.
Students who meet this cultural standard are able to:
C-1. perform subsistence activities
in ways that are appropriate to local cultural traditions.
C-3. attain a healthy lifestyle through which they are able to maintain
their social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual well-being.
D. Culturally-knowledgeable
students are able to engage effectively in learning activities that are
based on traditional ways of knowing and learning:
D-1. acquire in-depth cultural knowledge
through active participation and meaningful interaction with Elders;
D-3. interact with Elders in a loving and respectful way that demonstrates
an appreciation of their role as culture-bearers and educators in the
D-4. gather oral and written history information from the local community
and provide an appropriate interpretation of its cultural meaning and
D-5. identify and utilize appropriate sources of cultural knowledge
to find solutions to everyday problems.
E. Culturally-knowledgeable
students demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the relationships
and processes of interaction of all elements in the world around them.
E-1. recognize and build upon the
inter-relationships that exist among the spiritual, natural, and human
realms in the world around them, as reflected in their own cultural
traditions and beliefs as well as those of others;
E-2. understand the ecology and geography of the bioregion they inhabit.
E-8. identify and appreciate who they are and their place in the world.