time has come to reclaim our name for ourselves. The word we now
make known again is “Unanga{” Unanga
means “seasiders” if you break it down in the language.
[see p. 444, Unangam
Dictionary compiled by Knut Bergsland and published through
the Alaska Native Language Center @ UAF.] When outsiders came to
these islands they got the mistaken idea that we should all be called
Aleuts. Our Elders tell us that their Elders told them that we call
ourselves Unanga{. There are other words used in some
places, but we Native people from all the Aleutian and Pribilof
Islands use this word. We are grateful that they saved this knowledge
and shared it with us. To honor our ancestors and “teach our
children well” we take back our name in place of “Aleut”
whenever possible. We might forget sometimes and it might feel awkward
but we will all get used to it. When we describe ourselves as Unanga{
we feel strong, proud and truly know who we are. We invite you to
join us and act on it daily.
To use this word right you will need to learn the following slight
changes for specific situations:
1. Unanga{ (oo NUNG ah) = 1 of the people who
call themselves Seasiders.
Emil is Unanga{ or Emil is an Unanga{.
Can also mean: the group of people who call themselves Seasiders
The Unanga{ are famous for their seafaring skills.
2. Unangax (oo NUNG
eh) = 2 of the people who call themselves Seasiders.
The Unangax, Pat and
Laresa, went berry picking.
3. Unangan (oo NUNG
an) = 3 or more of the people who call themselves
in all dialects except Atkan.
Example: In False Pass, Sand Point and Unalaska, the plural of
Unanga{ is Unangan.
Does the Color Coding Mean?
None (no colors) for one.
Example: I am an Unanga{.
Blue for two.
Example: The Unangax
of whom we speak are Sally and Crystal.
Green for Eastern (Qawalangin,
etc.) and Attuan (Sasignan).
Example: Moses, Iliodor and Barbara are Unangan.
Red for Western (Nii}u{).
Example: Those three handsome people are Unangas.
Purple for possessive.
Unangam Ungiikangin
Ungiikangis (Western),
in the title of a popular text, means ‘the old stories
that belong to the Unangan/Unangas.’