This list of the therapeutic uses of Alaskan medicinal plants is simply a cross-reference to information in the text of the book. The reader should refer to the main entry for discussions of cautions or contraindications and for more information about the method of gathering and preparing the material. The information is for educational purposes only, and not intended as medical self-care advice; if you do use the medicines on yourself you do so at your own risk.
NOTE: The plant part used is the leaf, usually as tea, unless otherwise stated. The entries are in alphabetical order; darker type signifies the more important plant for the particular use.
Alterative - alder, chickweed, dandelion root and leaves, iris, Labrador tea, plantain, sourdock root
Aphrodisiac - angelica
Anesthetic - wormwood, yarrow
Anodyne - chamomile
Antibiotic - sphagnum
Anthelmintic - chamomile, iris, shield fern rhizome, wormwood
Antiscorbutic - chickweed, juniper berries, Labrador tea, poplar bark, rose hips and leaves, shepherd's purse, spruce needles, strawberry berries and leaves
Antiseptic - poplar (balm of Gilead), sphagnum, wormwood
Antispasmodic - chamomile, highbush cranberry bark
Anti-tumor - alder
Appetizer - sourdock root as a bitter tonic
Astringent - alder, birch, bistort root, cleavers, fireweed root, horsetail, plantain, raspberry, shepherd's purse, shield fern rhizome, sourdock root, strawberry root, uva-ursi, willow, yarrow
Baby bath - rose leaf tea
Bactericide - sphagnum, uva-ursi, wormwood
Bath house enhancer - chamomile, devil's club bark, wormwood leaves, yarrow leaves
Blood purifier - angelica, sourdock root, spruce needle tea
Bitter aromatic - chamomile
Bladder tonic - plantain, uva-ursi
Bowel tonic - cleavers
Cancer treatment - sourdock root
Carminative - angelica, cow parsnip roots, fireweed, yarrow
Cathartic - iris root, Labrador tea (large dose), poplar bark
Central nervous system depressant - wormwood
Cholagogue - dandelion
Circulatory system alterative - alder, plantain
Comforting tea - birch, fireweed, rose
Counterirritant - poplar
Cure-all - chamomile
Demulcent - chickweed, coltsfoot, poplar bark, shepherd's purse
Diabetic nutrition - devil's club root bark
Diaphoretic - angelica, chamomile, coltsfoot
Disinfectant - sphagnum
Diuretic - angelica, birch, cleavers, dandelion, fireweed, horsetail, iris, juniper berries, Labrador tea, poplar bark, strawberry roots, uva-ursi, yarrow
Emetic - alder, chamomile (large warm doses), devil's club stem bark, fireweed root, iris root, rose bark decoction (strong)
Emmenagogue - angelica, chamomile, yarrow
Emollient - coltsfoot
Expectorant - angelica, coltsfoot, poplar buds, poplar bark
Eye drops - alder bark infusion, chamomile tea, chickweed, currant stem bark tea, shield fern rhizome tea
Flu treatment - currant stem bark tea
Fomentation for chest - cleavers, coltsfoot leaf decoction, poplar (balm of Gilead)
Fumigation - juniper
Gargle for sore throat - alder, cow parsnip (whole plant), raspberry leaf tea, juniper berry
Glandular system alterative - plantain
Hepatic - dandelion, iris
Incense - juniper
Kidney tonic - cleavers, chamomile, crowberry juice, plantain, shield fern rhizome infusion, spruce pitch tea, uva-ursi
Laxative - birch (combined with alkali), chamomile, cleavers, dandelion root, iris root infusion, Labrador tea (strong), larch bark, sourdock root, uva-ursi
Leucorrhea treatment - plantain
Liniment - yarrow
Lymph system tonic - plantain
Menstrual pads - sphagnum
Mouthwash - angelica, birch leaves and bark, currant leaves
Nutritive - chickweed, cleavers, currant berries, highbush cranberry berries, poplar buds, rose hips, shepherd's purse, spruce needles
Peristaltic - poplar buds
Plasters - spruce tea
Poultice - angelica leaves, chickweed, cow parsnip (whole plant), currant root, horsetail, juniper
Poultice for aches, pains, sores, infections - angelica root, cleavers
Poultice for burns, wounds, bruises - birch bark
Poultice for chest congestion - coltsfoot
Poultice for pains and swellings - chamomile tea
Preventive tonic - angelica root
Refrigerant - chickweed, cleavers
Resolvent - iris, poplar bark
Rubefacient - cow parsnip leaves and stem
Salve - chickweed
Sedative - chamomile, yarrow
Sialagogue - iris
Smoking mixture - coltsfoot, juniper, uva-ursi
Steam bath fragrance - devil-s club, wormwood, yarrow
Stimulant - angelica, chamomile, cow parsnip root, iris, Labrador tea, poplar buds, shepherd's purse, wormwood, yarrow
Stimulant to digestive system - wormwood
Stimulant to genito-urinary tract - juniper
Stomachic - angelica, dandelion roots and leaves, juniper berries, poplar bark, wormwood, yarrow
Styptic - bistort root, chamomile, dandelion, juniper, poplar bark
Sweat producer - yarrow
Tonic - alder, angelica root, birch sap, bistort (tones alimentary tract), cleavers, coltsfoot, cow parsnip (whole plant), cranberry leaf, dandelion, juniper, Labrador tea, poplar bark, raspberry (especially good for pregnant women), shield fern rhizome, sourdock root, spring willow root tea, wormwood, yarrow
Vasodilator - juniper berries
Vulnerary - poplar (balm of Gilead), shield fern rhizome, spruce gum, yarrow
Wound dressing - dried inner bark of devil's club mixed with cedar or spruce pitch, spruce gum
Copyright © 1987 by Eleanor G. Viereck